Hi everyone,

Today its the second part of the Icarus flyers article.  I have to admit that overall I like the shape and form of these models and I hope I did them justice with my quick painting scheme.

Enough talk then - on with the article.  The next step from where we left off last week is the masking for the camouflage pattern.  Like all the other models I did in this fashion, this part is the most time consuming, but the results are worth it in the end.  I kept the colours the same as the Ptolemy bombers, since they are both medium flyers.

 I moved on to painting all the basic colours and metallic parts.  Like all the Dystopian War models in my fleet, I only paint basic colours with very little highlighting unless necessary.  In the case of the Icarus I highlighted the bronze power plant in the centre.

Once these base coats are dry, it is time for the enamel and oil washes. These type of washes let you go back and 'clean up' after application with a q-tip and white spirit.  It gives a very nice tone and depth to the model.

When all the cleaning up is done the next step is detailing.  This consists of painting up the lights, decorations, energy effects, the chimneys and so on. When this step is done, the models are ready to be  fielded.
And several group shoot, as per tradition.  I can't help myself, I just like these kind of pictures.


That's right, this is one of the resolutions I made and now it is complete.  All the models in my COA fleet (the ones I play at least) are now painted up.  That means it is time to move on to a another resolution; that is the Minotaur & Lamenter video.  Another mini-project long over due.

Well farewell and good health from your dedicated blogger - Nightrunner.
