Apparently having a gigantic steam-punk axe helps considerably during union 'negotiations'...

Ramos's Henchman Joss is part of the new starter set though those of you using the older metal version of the aforementioned set would have needed to purchase him separately. The newer plastic version of the Joss is currently only available in the Ramos Starter Set the unboxing of which can be found here. There are comparison shots at the bottom of this article should you be curious about the differences.

Blister Artwork.

Joss - Unassembled

Joss Stat Card (1.5)
With the advent of version 2 (M2E) these 1.5 version stat cards are obsolete but they are included here for the sake of completeness.

Joss - Assembled

Joss's axe and it's cable are separate parts. Due to the location of the attachment point (circled in green) you can alter the angle of the axe which in turn alters the angle of the cable. The cable piece therefore requires bending into shape in order to get it to align at both ends (circled in red). As you can see I managed to very nearly snap mine which may be why you see so many of these models without the cable on them. Either be more careful than I was, use something alternate as cable (guitar string for example), abandon it completely or consider a different angle for the axe...I leave that decision to you...

For those of you interested in such things here are some comparison shots between the original and the new versions of Joss.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.