Recently I was out and about playing some 40k (actually  about two weeks ago since I've been on vacation) and I played against another Tau player who just about creamed me off the board. Then again it helped for him a lot when he was 500 point ahead of me and every suit he had was using four hard points (imagine a full Farsight bomb with shields, stims, and 2 plasmas), but I was really inspired by the kid's list. I've always wanted to try out an army like this, but I always hated the unreliableness of reserves, so I never did. Finally, I've put on my big boy pants and I've decided to write up an interesting little list that will literally be a great surprise for my opponent.

Raining Suits 2,00 points


Commander Sherra (warlord): 2x shield drones, fusion blaster, plasma rifle, shield generator, stimulant injector, Iridium armor, Puretide "awesome" chip,  Neuroweb system jammer 221

O'Shera's retinue: 2x Shas'vre (plasma, fusion, shield) along with 2 shield drones 198

Commander: Command and Control node, Multi-spectrum sensor suite, flamer, vectored retro-thrusters, stims, shield generator 170


Crisis Team (attached to second commander): 3x Shas'ui (2 fusion, target lock) 171

Stealth Team: Shas'vre (fusion, homing beacon, markerlight/target lock combo), 3x Shas'ui (burst cannons) 150

Riptide: Ion accelerator, shielded missile drone, stimulant injector 245


Fire Warriors: Shas'ui (markerlight/target lock combo), 7x Shas'la and Devilfish (disruption pods) 177

Fire Warriors: Shas'ui (markerlight/target lock combo), 7x Shas'la 82

Fire Warriors: Shas'ui (markerlight/target lock combo), 7x Shas'la 82

Fast Attack

Pathfinders: Shas'ui, 7x Shas'la (with 2 rail rifles) and a Pulse accelerator drone 132

Heavy Support

Hammerhead: Railgun (submunition rounds), disruption pods, blacksun filter, SMS

Hammerhead: Ion cannon, disruption pods, blacksun filter, SMS

Broadside Team: Shas'ui with Heavy Rail rifle, stimulant injector and plasma.

Not the most balanced or competitive list, but I can guarantee you it's a fun one! Just imagine the look on your opponents face when you drop in the Support Commander with his fusion bomb (thanks to the Stealth suits!) and pop open three of his tanks as soon as you come in. Sure they won't live long, but whose life wouldn't be complete after doing something as epic as that?

Also, you may have noticed a disturbing lack of anti-air and markerlights. The lack of anti-air was due to my belief in my markerlight rolls and the low amount of markerlights is my way of trying to break myself out of my traditional mold and focus on the suit part rather than the shooting part. Suits now have some really great support systems and I wanted to make sure I made use of this rather than the typical "I light you up like a Christmas tree," thing.