Really not relevant today, but I couldn't help myself once I found this beaut
I showed you folks one of my "experiment" lists, so today I decided to share one of my more polished and tournament lists I've got (including the fact that I own all of these models, have them all painted exceptionally well compared to some stuff and a few of them are even customs). This list excels at staying static and shooting. I just hope that a drop pod doesn't land in front of them filled with some really nasty assault troops or they get hit by a huge freaking barrage weapon.

Also, it might be a good idea to add in an Aegis Defense line to promote survivability. But as I said, one of my most polished, not perfect, but most polished.

2000 Points


Commander: 2x plasma rifles (not twin-linked), Puretide Engram Neurochip, Iridium armor, 2x shield drones, Stimulant injector, shield generator   219

Bodyguard Team: 2x Shas'vre (shield generator, plasma rifle, missile pod)  174

Ethereal: 2x Shield drones   74


Fire Warriors: 7 troopers with a Shas'ui equipped with a markerlight/target lock combo  97

Fire Warriors: 7 troopers with a Shas'ui equipped with a markerlight/target lock combo  97

Fire Warriors: 7 troopers with a Shas'ui equipped with a markerlight/target lock combo  97


Riptide: Ion accelerator, Stimulant injector, SMS  220

Crisis Team: 3x Shas'ui (twin-linked missile pods, Early Warning Override system) 141

Crisis Team: 3x Shas'ui (twin-linked fusion blasters, stimulant injector) 171

Fast Attack

Pathfinders: 5x scouts accompanied by a Shas'ui   65

Pathfinders: 5x scouts accompanied by a Shas'ui   65

Piranhas: 3x skimmers (disruption pods, fusion blasters) plus one seeker missile 203

Heavy Support

Hammerhead: Railgun, submunition rounds, SMS, blacksun filter, disruption pods

Skyray: SMS, disruption pods

Sniper Team: 2x Marksmen, 5x drones  101

Pretty straight forward, so I won't get to in-depth with it, but I will explain how I like to set it all up.

Put the Ethereal in a squad of Fire Warriors, place said squad directly in the middle and in the front of the gun line (bit of a tease, eh?). Place Fire squad 2 and 3, 2-6" away from the Ethereal's squad on both sides. Place Snipers behind Ethereal's squad and Pathfinders behind both squads of Fire Warriors. Place Suits where ever they fit close by, Commander absolutely in front of the rest of the army (a bigger tease none the less), skimmers on the edges of the board (Skyray should be a little closer than the others).

A brutal list, but easily countered with quick assault troops (teleporting Termies, Drop pods and other tricks) as well as blast, template and barrage weapons take out whole patches of little foot guys.