Outflanking: Such a dirty trick
First all of, having limited data per month really sucks especially once you reach your limit.

Second, I've been trying to break the mold on my typical, gun line, Tau army rosters and have tried for a few new things. I realize this is most definitely not a competitive list at all, but it's definitely a fun one to try out for fun.

1,750 points (using Battlescribe Mobile App, a recent acquisition for me)


Commander: Cyclic Ion blaster, plasma rifle, Puretide engram neurochip, stimulant injector, shield generator, Iridium armor, Onager gauntlet. 200

Bodyguard team: 2 members each with plasma rifles, missile pods and shield generators. 174


Fire Warriors: 7 troops along with a Shas'ui. 73

Fire Warriors: 7 troops along with a Shas'ui. 73

Kroot: 12 Kroot equipped with sniper rounds and a Shaper for company. 99



Crisis Team: 2x Shas'ui (twin-linked fusion blasters, stimulant injector), Shas'vre (twin-linked fusion blasters, stimulant injector). 181

Riptide: 2x shielded missile drones, positional relay, ion accelerator, stimulant injector, SMS. 275

Fast Attack

Pathfinders: 6 scouts equipped with 3 Rail rifles, 3 carbines accompanied by a Shas'ui and a Pulse Accelerator drone (7 total models). 136

Stingwings: 9 Vespids accompanied by a Strain Leader 172

Heavy Support

Broadside: Shas'vre (twin-linked heavy rail rifles, positional relay, SMS) 80

Hammerhead: Ion cannon, SMS, disruption pods, blacksun filter

Hammerhead: Railgun, submunition rounds, disruption pods, blacksun filter

The main point of this army (just in case you can't figure it out) is to optimize the positional
relays in order to get the offensive Pathfinders and Kroot into the rear of the enemy front line, reclaim objectives or just blow up the enemies gun line as they try to hide behind assault "Deathstar" squads.

It was a pretty entertaining list to use, especially with all of the shenanigans and Outflanking and I did manage to deal some damage, but I received quite a bit too. The Pathfinders came in behind a squad of Fire Dragons after their transport was blown up on turn two and killed 4 of the 6 of them. The Kroot didn't come in until turn 5 to rapid fire the Rangers hiding in a crater. They were able to kill 4 out of the 5 of them.

As I said before, I wanted to do something rather than my stereotypical "I have an Ethereal and lots of ammo to shoot you with" playstyle and I must say it was pretty fun. Not the most competitive list in the world, but a little bit of work will most definitely make this a very dangerous, fun and strategic list compared to the dull "stand and shoot" lists I've had before.