The title pretty much says it all. I’m really pleased with how this model is coming along I may even end up mounting him on a plinth. On to the tutorial…
Step 1. The bronze details were first basecoated with a 1:1:1 mix of Tin Bitz, Dwarf Bronze, and Scortched Brown.
Step 2. A second basecoat was applied using a 1:1 mix of Tin Bitz and Dwarf Bronze.
Step 3. A 2:1 mix of Devlan Mud and Chaos Black was carefully applied into the recesses and joints of all the bronze details.
Step 4. The raised areas, spikes and edges were highlighted with a 1:1:1 mix of Tin Bitz, Dwarf Bronze and Mithril Silver.
Step 5. A fine edge highlight of pure Mithril Silver was then applied to only the most prominent features and tips. The bladed edge of the spikes then got a wash of the 1:1 mix Devlan Mud and Chaos Black and were finished off by taking the mix from step 4, thinning it heavily and glazing it over the washed edge.
Disclaimer: If you choose to apply this tutorial and/or the last one covering the gold details to your new Tomb Kings army… You will never finish painting your models. ;)