Thanks for your patience, here is a huge dump of photos from the final day of the Old Line Massacre, the Apocalypse game. Each player fielded roughly 3,000 points and the variety of infantry, vehicles, and super-heavies was very impressive!

On the Traitor's side we had Chris Bowers (Emperor's Children), Jay Feigenheimer (Night Lords), Nate Taylor (Night Lords with Curze), and Marc Raley (Alpha Legion). Their three major objectives to hold were the three sections of the massive bastion you can see in the photos.

On the Loyalist side we had myself (Mechanicum), Ty Finochiarro/Jake Landis (Survivors mix of units), John Stiening (Sons of Horus), and Robin Everrett-McGuirl (Alpha Legion). Our three major objectives were the Skyshield Landing Pad (held by my Castellax and Thallax), the Reaver Titan itself, and a secure bunker on our right flank.

I won't go into too much detail, but instead let the photos do the talking.

After four turns of fighting, we had smashed each other up pretty well. One section of the bastion had been destroyed, and my Reaver was down to 5 Hull points. Curze was in combat with the Contemptor dreadnoughts, and Traitor forces were struggling a little in the killing zones.

The final result was a considerable victory to the Loyalists (by about 20 VPs, if I recall correctly).

If you have any questions about the game/models, feel free to sound off below.
