I started working to get the Road Tiles done before a tournament this weekend and lucky for me it was canceled.  I am bummed that it was canceled as I wanted to try out some new lists.  That being said, I am happy that I have more time to work on them and my stackpile of models.

The next three pics are some test shots of the tiles loosely assembled. The amount  detail is amazing.

 The pics below are some test shots from my dungeon. 

Too many firelanes

Now with a splash of color.
 I didn't like this at first.  I have to say that with a building it really looks good. 

 I started working on the curbs here.  It is really a pain in the arse.  I switched on the last tiles with roads to use black primer on them to reduce the amount I need to tape off and the amount of time I need to spend marking off. 

 Still taped but the color added.

I will say that the curbs add a lot to them.  

Next, I have to make the street markings look like the are glowing and paint the metal.