Another big silence, another post with some amount of work done on the projects. I managed to spend a bit of time on the models I got (getting less and less time to spend on the hobby, sadly) and by that I mean the Dreadknight, since that is the priority at the moment. Find out what I’ve been working on with a few side pictures after the jump.

Magnets! As the title picture suggests, I magnetized the two mêlée weapons for the Dreadknight, which is pretty much the last piece I needed to put together before I start priming the sub assemblies. It is fairly easy to find magnets of the correct size if you know the measurements, and NeoHobi is the correct place for people like me that dabble in this part of the hobby. Checking the hands of the Dreadknight I saw that the magnet had to have a diameter of 5mm or less, so I went with a set of 5×2 mm magnets. One thing that’s weird is that you cannot buy them by piece, you need to buy a minimum of 100 for each type you pick. So I picked another set of 2mm diameter 4mm length magnets and was good to go.

Just remove the appropriate piece by how thick the magnet is and you're set. The hands show a little of the magnet at the moment Magnets Hopefully I'll cover them after priming and basecoating.

Of course, as a complete novice to such work I made some mistakes. Aside from the fingers getting covered with superglue here and there, I was a little overzealous when it came to carve the hole for the magnets. You see, since the original attachment piece on the hand and the arm is hexagonal, I needed to turn it into a rounded hole so that I could set the magnet correctly. With my automatic drill and a sanding drill bit I started to wipe away some plastic, but of course went too far. Check out the failure here:

Yeah, that will need some green stuffing to solidify the magnet's place.

Yeah, that will need some green stuffing to solidify the magnet’s place.

One thing is for certain: Even though the magnets are tiny, they have a VERY strong field that allows them to be stuck together rather easily. Be careful when bringing the pieces together, if the glue hasn’t settled thoroughly, you might pull away the magnet inside the arm.

Another tip I can think off the top of my head is to watch out for the poles. As a rule of thumb, always glue one side of the magnet pile on a piece, then glue the exact opposite end to the other part. That way you’ll have the correct poles to attract the pieces.

As a last note I am glad to announce I finally got my manual drill and the new set of files from Games Workshop. Customs causes some problems on such materials, especially the files and the drill since they’re sharp objects. I’ll cover the tools themselves in a separate post, but I just wanted to share what I achieved with it:

Mounting tiny pieces on cork is easy if you have wires superglued to the piece.

Mounting tiny pieces on cork is easy if you have wires superglued to the piece.

And lastly, here’s a shot from my latest order. Along with the tools I got two finecast models to go with it. The finecast stuff is web order only and the local GW dealer we have cannot bring them, so my uncle living in Scotland was kind enough to put the loot in his luggage and bring them to me!

Must... obliterate!

Must… obliterate!

I can’t wait to finish my ongoing projects and tackle this very first finecast piece. These will of course get their own post, but from the first look I have to say that resin is pretty much the way to go for incredible details.

See you folks on the next post!

Filed under: Grey Knights, WIP