Wow so I’ve been on a crazy busy period with work and have been all over the country as a result! On the plus side I have taken the Ogres on tour and play a load of games! Below are a load of pictures of my games and here is a rough synopsis of my games!

So I was through in Edinburgh visiting a supplier and meeting a friend and managed to get a game against Chris Whyte and his Ogres. We played a very crazy game with some mental dice rolls and it went right to the wire with 11-9 win to me. In retrospect I would have done a few things differently which would have given a bigger win but Chris played well and considering it was one of his first games with Ogres he played very well!

I was also up in Dundee and got a few games in against friends:

I played Jamie’s empire army, Jamie had incredibly bad luck with his cannons and magic meaning I got across the board unscathed and killed his demigryphs and Halberd bunker in two rounds of combat with the gutstar. After this is it was a mop up exercise and I netted a 20-0 win.

Next up I played Joe Ward’s Ogres. This was another mental game but was unfortunately lost for Joe after turn 1. He moved up his army a bit too aggressively giving me easy charges with my mournfang into his mournfang. I whipped around his flanks and encircled his Irongut unit. Poor Joe another 20-0 win for me!

Finally I got a game in against Tim Gronneberg’s Skaven. This was the first time I have played Tim and he is a lovely guy and very tough opponent. This was also the first time I have played a proper skaven player and army and I think it showed. Tim schooled me up with his army ( I won’t go into detail as he is using this army next weekend at cry havoc) and I definitely showed my inexperience vs the rats. Tim is also a very good player (Scotland ETC regular) and certainly sorted me out! I lost 20-0 but left with a much better understanding of how to exterminate the vermin! Hoping to get another shot at smashing up his mice another time!

Just 4 days til Cry havoc now! Very excited! First round I have a grudge vs Jon Pugh and his Ogres. Jon is THE premier Scottish Ogre player so I am really looking forward to seeing how he plays them and hopefully learning a lot in the process. I would also like to smash him up good and proper but this is probably unlikely ;)