Looks like the next few months will be really busy for Infinity.  Models have been dropping monthly and the hype engine is in overload.  Let's see what we got:

Operation: Take your money....I mean...Icestorm:

First, we get these two teasers.

What could it be?  Some thought it was the lead up to the new campaign.  Others thought it was for a two player box set.

Speculation was pretty much spot on:

So we have a two player box with quick start rules and two factions plus a civy.  Really good.  Exactly what we want.  To make it even more attractive it looks like they would be using the new figs for both Nomads and PanO.

They then release two more pics to confirm the factions:

My assumption was we would see this and 3e at Gencon.  I was wrong on at least this.

 Makes sense.  Use your own event to showcase a release.  Bravo.

 Considering I have no PanO or Nomads, this is a must buy for me.  The bastards.

 3e Release:

With the starter being released in July and no full rules included, GenCon is the logical step.

On Cert's blog, he announces that CB will be at NOVA to discuss some new info not from GenCon and to add some signed and number3e books.  That would have it make sense that the release was GenCon.

GenCon Reveals: 

Here are the two teasers we got.  Looks like all of our wishes are coming true.  US Ariadna will have bikes and chicks on bikes.  Very good.  I cannot wait.

I am sure that in the weeks to come we will see more and more show up to tease us.  I am very happy that fortune changed and I am now able to go to GenCon and NOVA.  It will be a kick ass few months.