Getting together for a game of Third Edition (or indeed first or second) is getting easier and easier. As the Oldhammer Community expands, more and more enthusiasts are becoming involved. For the majority its simply a case of enjoying the output published continually on our many blogs, the Facebook groups and the forum. It is often the venue for a game that causes a little more difficulty.

Well, yesterday Nik Dixon, Steve Casey, Warlord Paul, Thantsants and myself converged on Slayer Gaming in Mansfield, near Nottingham for a narrative heavy game of Old School Warhammer. The battle reports, from differing points of view, will no doubt begin arriving on a blogsphere near you soon and the purpose of this post is not to discuss the game in any detail, but instead to comment on the venue itself. 

Grimgrunt, the Deathfist's Disciple, advances up the Old Forest Road.

As some of you will know, the Wargames Foundry are relocating to Newark and were unable to accommodate us. Slayer Gaming was recommended to Paul when he was scouting around for a different venue. They were highly recommended by other gamers and it is easy to see why after spending the day there. Situated on an industrial estate, Slayer Gaming are very easy to find and the parking is free and plentiful. Nor is it a difficult location to get to. I was travelling from Essex and it was simplicity itself to cruise up the M11 and A1. In truth, it was easier to get to Slayer than the old Wargames Foundry site. 

A skeleton chariot clashes with Khornegor during the height of the battle. 

The premises are clean and quite spacious. The lighting is also bright and the venue doesn't have the dank and smelly vibe that many similar gaming stores can have. As you would expect, the store front carries a range of products that will be familiar to all. Citadel plastic sets and paints, Army Painter resources and a range of other manufacturer's stuff. In addition to this, there is a small little painting area if you fancied blobbing some paints on your models away from the distractions that may plague you at home. 

The Carnivale's wagons observe the clash of forces as the battlelines prepare to engage.

A second room contains the gaming tables proper. These are all well made and sturdy surfaces that are raised to a good height, with a range of different styles on offer. Sci-fi themed tables predominate, as you would expect with 40k being the dominant game being played in clubs around the country, but there were large fantasy, modern and World War inspired tables too. The scenery was obviously well looked after and of good qaulity, mostly being laser-cut building products and Citadel plastics. 

World War 2 inspired gaming table.

The staff and other patrons were friendly, and rather curious, about what was going on during our game. Talking to a younger gamer (who was bemused to find that the models we were using were older than her) just showed how unfamiliar many players are with the style of play we advocate. Several grognards commented that the sight of WFB3 and Slaves to Darkness brought back many fond memories.

As I have said, Slayer Gaming provides plenty of space and tables to support your requirements.

Slayer Gaming have a small drinks machine and a selection of snacks on offer if you are feeling peckish in game, and recommended a little sandwich shop in quick walking distance, so all your eating needs are also covered. The shop serves hot and cold f

To conclude, Slayer are an excellent venue for anyone who wants to find a location for a game. From what  I saw they would easily be able to cater for all 28mm systems and offer a friendly and non-judgemental atmosphere. 

Do yourself a favour and follow this link to their Facebook page and give them a like. We hope to bring you larger Oldhammer events from here in the future, so what this space!