Here is the last member of my mounted Command Squad, the Death-Speaker (or Chaplain if you follow the Codex Astartes more closely). I know Chaplains aren't common choices for Space Marine armies at the moment, but there were a few reasons I decided to make one.

First and foremost, I needed a character that unlocks a Command Squad. My Chapter Master won't do it, and I didn't want to downgrade him to a Captain. That left me with adding another Captain (a good option for more killing power), a Librarian (which I always find disappointing, and I don't expect that to change with the new psychic rules), or a Chaplain. The Chaplain increases the hitting power of the whole unit, but more importantly makes them Fearless . I spent so many points on that squad that I really did not want them to fall back. Ever. Finally, the Death-Speaker is a super fluffy choice for Executioners, and I never ran one. It was time to fix that.

So I present to you Death-Speaker Chareos of the Executioners Fourth Company.

I'm really happy with how he turned out, and even more happy that I'm done converting horses to have bolter-faces. That takes more time than I'd like to admit. Next up I have a bunch of bolter marines so that I can field a third Tactical squad. They should be relatively quick and relaxing.