Yup, seems it has been a while since my last workshop that I have attended ( little over a month it seems actually! ) but this time I am off to Germany once more.

Though to a new location to which I have not been already. The Headquarters of the dieVincis crew, Blumberg! And with a special guest teacher from Spain, Fernando Ruiz! The one from Heroes and Villians fame!

I have really been looking forward to this class for a while due to a number of reasons.

  • Another excuse to go and visit Germany ( I swear I was German in a previous life! )
  • A chance to meet up with the dieVincis crew 
  • To meet the owner of H&V and one of the best painters out there, Fernando Ruiz 
  • Learn some secrets on how to paint up busts.. especially historical ones
But last, and far from least, hang out with a great bunch of people all weekend to toss some paint around and have a great time!

So do not expect any more posts from me until next week.. and even then it might be sporadic as I fear I will be exhausted after this trip. But keep an eye out on my Facebook page for previews throughout the weekend of the lessons!

Enjoy the weekend.. I know I will!