Hey guys, so after a good long think about what army to do next I have settled on doing a themed Empire army based up the Shadow of the Horned Rat computer game. This game is what got me into warhammer in the first place (many moons ago) and as such it holds a special place in my heart. Primarily I will be painting up this army as a fun fluff/campaign project done very slowly (maybe a unit a month?) but will also paint up the competitive unit choices aswell so the army can be used in tournaments or against friends to practise. This is the other reason for choosing Empire as my next army, we do not have an empire player in our group so it adds an nice bit of flavour to the mix. In fact I made this little graphic below to catalogue our army collections!

(White is me and white circles are armies I have done over the years,Chaos Dwarfs are not a real army and thus have been removed from the census)

So with this all in mind and with my somewhat worrying requirement to intimately plan all things in my life I began doing a bit of research and decided that doing a blog post collating my plans and findings was a good idea! Below is an excerpt from Warhammer Wiki and I have inserted my thoughts and plans into this. I will use this post for reference and inspiration going forward :)

****NB**** I will update this with thoughts and ideas :)

Source of info: http://warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer:_Shadow_of_the_Horned_Rat (all italic text is sourced from there)

Game Synopsis
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat is a real-time tactical computer game published by Games Workshop in conjunction with Mindscape in 1995. It features medieval warfare and fantasy battles between military units at the squad and company/squadron level. In Shadow of the Horned Rat players take control of Commander Morgan Bernhardt as he leads his mercenary army called "the Grudgebringers", named after his magical flame sword, the Grudgebringer. The storyline focuses on the mercenary general's quest to stop a Skaven plot led by Grey Seer Thanquol and his pawn, the possessed Orc warboss Urgat Rip-Eye. The player must defeat a variety of foes in pitched battles using traditional fantasy battle methods such as shooting and close combat as well as magic. 

The finances of the mercenary army are handled by Paymaster Dietrich. The player is frequently given a choice of missions to accept, giving multiple paths through the game, some of which result in different mercenary units being available to the player. Losses incurred in previous battles remained, and combined with the steeply increasing difficulties of battles the game grew very difficult relatively quickly. The unit losses were offset by the reinforcements that could be bought in most towns between missions. These reinforcements were bought with gold gained from combat, but the gold gained from combat was generally less than the replacement value of the lost troops. Only when the game was played with great skill did these reinforcements cover all the losses. Units gained experience and became better through use, but this in turn increased the cost of replacement. Another issue was that a fallen soldier could also be merely wounded, which would leave them out of the action for the next battle, after which they'd be healed for free. While this reduced the strain on the player's resources, it could result in the player having plenty of gold, but being unable to reinforce their army sufficiently to stand a chance in the next mission. Bernardt and his army defeated Thanquol in a plot to use ancient Elven stones to destroy the lands of men

Notable Factions
This is a list of mercenary groups and others involved in the storyline. They join either because of a plot event or because they are hired by Morgan for a fee to join his mercenary band.

Grudgebringers: So named after their captain's powerful sword Grudgebringer, these mercenaries have enjoyed a properous first year of operation, commanding an unsullied respect on their home turf in the Imperial probvince of the Reikland. The Grudgebringers have since marched to the troubled Border Princes where they hope to join a major campaign to prove themselves worthy of greater fortunes. The Grudgebringers are composed primarily of both cavalry, led by Bernhardt, and heavy infantry led by Lieutenant Schepke.

So this part of the army will be the first bit to be done. Morgan Bernhardt himself will be a Grandmaster with the sword ofstriking and the ruby ring of ruin to simulate his flaming magical sword. The Grudgebringer cavalry will be Inner Circle Knights. Grudgebringer infantry will empire swordsmen. 

Notable characters:

Commander Morgan Bernhardt

Paymaster Dietrich

Lieutenant Schepke

Mercenary Crossbows: These mercenaries, all expert crossbowmen, have a disreputable past. They originally formed part of a small bandit army working in the forests of Talabecland. After a crackdown which was aided by elite Imperial forces they fled south to evade capture. Currently residing in the Border Princes town of Wissenheim, and still on the Empire's wanted list, they seek anonymity by joining a legitimate mercenary army.
Notable characters:

Corporal Fletcher

Pretty Straightforward these guys will be crossbowmen!

Vannheim's 75th: Siegfried Vannheim is a well renowned mercenary captain and has worked all through the Old World and beyond during his years leading the '75th. Reputably a staunch disiplinarian, Vannheim is followed by his cavalry troops with faithful loyalty and a respect for his veteran experience in the trade.
Notable characters:

Siegfried Vannheim

These guys will be an extra unit of knights, they will be painted in green, yellow and black :)

Black Avengers: Ramon Black formed the Avengers after a Skaven raiding party burned their homes and killed their families during an attack on their town of Wissenheim. They are sworn to hunt down and kill Skaven wherever they can find them. Made up from little more than untrained peasants, his band display a gritty determination deserving of any mercenary army.
Notable characters:

Ramon Black

The Black Avengers will be Empire free company painted black with red legs and white sleeves. In fluff games they will have the Hatred (Skaven) special rule

Ceridan Elven Ranger: After many years in the Black Mountains Ceridan, a lone Elf Ranger has learned of valuable information which has fallen by chance into Skaven possession. Troubled by recent Skaven efforts to capture him he changed his identity and now seeks assistance on a quest handed down through generations of his family.
Dwarf Crossbowmen: Gromdal Orcbane's crossbow regiment provide excellent support for any unit in the field. Dwarfs are not physically suited to using ordinary bows, so they use powerful crossbows instead. Although these are ranged weapsons, this unit is still effective in close combat as they eagerly bash away with the weapon's fearsome studded metqal butt.
Notable characters:

For fluff games/triumph and treachery I will use Ceridan as a high elf noble or loremaster on foot

Gromdal Orcbane

Allor Amber Wizard: Amber is the magic of wild places and bestial minds, of dark forests and untamed places. Consequently Allor despises the suernatural properties of warpstone and uses his powers to destroy it wherever he finds it.

When fluff playing I will always bring Alor as a Amber Wizard. He will be able to default to amber spear instead of wildform (they will swap places in the deck).

1st Dwarf Iron Breakers and 2nd Dwarf Iron Breakers: Iron Breakers from the Dwarven Zhufbar stronghold.
Notable characters:

Grunti Bigfoot

Dwarf Envoy: Engrol Goldtongue is the official Dwarf Envoy from the fortress of Zhufbar to the Empire. His skills in diplomacy are unnaturally proficient for a Dwarf and he has resolved many quarrels with the Empire in his career which spans over two centureis. His bodyguard of fierce Warriors are completely loyal and will protect him in battle to the last.
Notable characters:

Engrol Goldtongue

Carroburg Greatswords: This Reikland regiment traces its history back to the Siege of Corroburg in 1885. In their valiant defence of the town from the Count of Middenland, their white uniforms were stained read with blood as they continued the fight despite the many wounds inflicted upon them. From that day the regiment has worn dark red uniforms.
Noteable characters:

Captain Schaeffer

Very straight forward, these guys will be great swords in my empire army!

Dwarf hammerers:
Noteable characters:

Furgal Fragman

Dwarf Warriors:
Noteable characters:

Harkon Skullsplitter

Azguz Bloodfist

The Dwarven contingent will be another part painted up as allies or if we play a large campaign, these will be played by Mike using his dwarves. All going to plan Scott will build his skaven army up too and we can play a narrative, stage by stage campaign! Gary could even provide the wood elves!

Keeler's Longbows: Johann Keeler's longbows have gained a reputation throughout Averland as skilled archers, competing in many provincial tournaments. They also hold field experience from previous mercenary campaigns.
Notable characters:

Johann Keeler

Nuln halberdiers: The eight son of Valmir von Raukov the elector count of Ostland, Boris left his homeland for Nuln seeking glory and distinction as an officer in the forces of the Empire. No doubt assisted by his noble bloodline, his youthful enthusiasm has secured him a position of command over this regiment of Halberdiers.
Noteable characters:

Captain Boris Von Raukov

Keeler's Longbows and the Nuln Halberdiers will be closely linked as a parent unit and 2 detachments of archers.

Imperial Great Cannon Crew: Top of his marksmanship class at the Nuln Atillery College for a record three years running, Wolfgang 'Sureshot' Swartzkopf instills a winning confidene in the rest of his crew. After proving himself in the field he had a short stint as a lecturer in ballistics before being offered service with the mighty Great Cannon regiment.
Notable characters:

Wolfgang 'Sureshot' Swartzkopf

Luther Flamestrike Bright Wizard: Stubborn and egotistical, Luther Flamestrike also has a fiery temper to complement his abilities. He was exiled from the Bright College in Nuln after an argument with a colleague caused a firestorm which destroyed a tavern and set the surrounding buildings ablaze. Luther is a competent wizard but prone to instability.
Marius Ubersbrom Celestial Wizard: Since leaving the Celestial College twelve years ago Marius has dwelt in the remote peaks of the Grey Mountains. From this vantage point he has devoted his life to the divination of the stars. Divining a great calamilty that would befall the Empire should the Grudgebringers fail in their task, he convinces Morgan to allow him to join his army.

Reiksguard Knights:
Noteable characters:

Captain Todbringer

Wood Elves:
Notable characters:


Gnarl Fist Treeman: