OK... I ran across some art and prints the other day while I was looking for a miniature.  Yes, I know that sounds really crazy, but some of the older minis have started to breed with the 2D art.

I have painted this Reaper miniature a few times over the years.  I finally have the chance to set the miniature and some 2D art in the same post!

For now, this is the only figure for which I have done this experiment.

Here we go... a drawing that I did on pastel paper of that same Lola the Thief miniature.

You can see that I approach painting the miniatures in the same way as I did my 2D art.  Building up a value pattern, creating a center of interest, working edges, and so on.

The biggest difference are the lack of a backdrop on the miniature (the base is not quite the same!), and not having to paint the "other side'. :-)