Hey all,

The first round of selling stuff has been a hit, with me raking in just shy of a weeks worth of rent in $$ which will be put towards piano lessons soon. I'm kinda glad that my dwarves are going, as they served me well over the years but with all the other armies I have there's just not enough room. That and I don't have their book so that's another reason. It was fun though. It really was while it lasted with them.

I remember getting them as part of Battle for Skull Pass and wanting tomb kings  and/or high elves at the time :P heh, how times change- I'm a greenskin through and through WHFB wise.

Ha, I'll try and get round two of stuff up by Wednesday as getting rid of stuff is kinda fun to do- like fare-welling my army and hoping they kick ass and take names elsewhere.


The Warlock