So I returned from my trip to the UK on Saturday.  Well, Saturday three weeks ago.  I had a great time over there despite the extremely wet weather my second week (record breaking rains in the locations I stayed).  I did manage to get sick from all the hiking through the rain along Hadrian's Wall and the Lake District.  Beautiful countryside though and I think I can take a week of the snifflies and sinus congestion in exchange for seeing the sights and engaging some of the archaeological teams I ran across.

So I'll be back to blogging in a few days.  I didn't have much chance to work on any articles while gone due to technical difficulties.  I took my tablet computer with me and the blogger editor really doesn't like the android browser.  I didn't learn about the app until later and I was too busy hiking in the countryside to spend hours tapping away on a tablet screen.

So a few quickies and then I shall return later this week with some more posts.

  • I had intended to attend the UK Games Day but tickets were sold out at all the shops I called around to.  So sadly I missed the unveilingof the Horus Heresy stuff.  Oh well, someday I'll make it over to the UK Games Day.
  • I'm excited about the Chaos book despite not having any intention to play Chaos.  I'm a big fan of the recent WFB army books and I certainly approve of moving the 40k books in that direction.  I realize the price point is a little high for some but these books seems far more durable even if they prove a little more impractical.
    • I'm incredibly tempted to start a chaos force, but, I'm going to hold off... despite having two boxes of Dark Vengeance ready and waiting for me and wanting to start Alpha Legion which works well with the whole cultists idea.  *Cries*
  • The great purge is moving along very slowly.  I am cataloging everything I can and getting it ready for Ebay.  The primary problem I am having are the disrepair that many of the models have fallen into.  Some are missing parts, others have chipped paint, and others have had hasty repairs made which ultimately means they won't ship well.
    • Anyone have any advice on how to handle some of these issues?  Ordinarily I'd just wait for the local LGS auction and throw everything up there however, they just the fall one while I was over in the UK.  The next one isn't scheduled until spring and I could really use the space/money in the immediate future.
  • I am slowly getting back into painting again after months of hiatus.  I've come to realize that I've slowly started dreading and resenting the hobby aspect of the tabletop wargaming hobby.  Why?  Because I let the hobby dictate what I worked on.  Instead of constructing and painting models I want to work on, I paint what works best.  So once I'm done with Skaven and my Iron Snakes update, I'm going to just work on whatever crosses my mind.  It may be historical stuff one week, 40k the next, and then straight Infinity for a month and a half but at least then I will be enjoying the hobby again.
    • Since I have more time at home than I do at the LGS or out with friends, I have more time to enjoy the painting and constructing aspects of the hobby but I don't for the reasons stated above.  I need to fix this or I'm going to burn out and drop out of wargaming (a sad day since I've been involved in the hobby for over 20 years now).

So I'm not going to make any promises about posts.  I have a lot going on but I will try and get some more posts up as I start to work my way through models.  I know I said no promises, but I WILL finish the last few articles for the Skaven series before the start of 2013.  Otherwise my goal is to post something... anything... as frequently as I am able.

So what's on my table right now?  Currently I'm painting Clanrats, Warp-Lightning Cannons, a Roman Trireme, and some Warmachine figures.  I've had a real hankering for painting more Void Knights so maybe I'll have some time to paint more of those in the near future.

Speaking of Void Knights, I had my hopes that we'd be hearing about Dark Angels by now.  Sadly that doesn't seem to be the case.  Originally I had planned to use Black Templars to represent my crusade chapter, but since that book is so out of date with little hope of an update, I decided that I'd give the DA book a once-over upon it's release.  Sadly, that date seems to have slipped into the nether regions.

Anyway, Chronowraith out.  I'll hopefully be posting more frequently now.