Alright, so this will be a little elaborate considering all I had originally intended to do was go through the entries, post my favorites of the ones posted, and then post a few of my favorites before declaring a winner.  However, I only received two entries so I feel the need to expound on this turn of events.

For contest results, look towards the bottom of the page.

So why did I post this contest?  Well for two reasons really - Expansion and Acceptance.  So my two 6th edition 40k posts received a large amount of hits.  My 6th edition high level overview literally went from 0 to 1,000 views in the span of 2 days.  My Eldar Perspective post started off slow but still consistantly nets me several hundred views a day, so less viewers overall, but more consistant.  Looking at those numbers I thought I had enough people hitting my blog to host a contest that would net some interesting results.  That in end , I would be rewarding my recurring readers and show appreciation for their readership.

So what happened?  As you can tell I received a total of two entries.  So where did things go wrong?  Firstly, I predicated my contest on an assumption that my readership was increasing based on my previous two blog posts.  These blog posts happened to be about a topic that generates a lot of interest at this point in time due to the relatively new release of the 6th edition ruleset.  Looking back, I should have considered a broader approach to analyzing my readership than two posts. 

Next, I had unfortunate timing.  I was due to go out of town the entire week of 23-28 July and that let me do little to keep my blog up to date and actively advertise the contest.  Again, looking back I should have posted on some of the forums about the contest or seen if my buddy over at Miniature Tim would have announced it.  I hate that sort of pandering though and thus, even if I had been in town, I don't know for certain that I would have taken these avenues.

Lastly, I didn't announce it properly.  I should have kept the post short and succinct and focused entirely on the contest.  Instead I made people wade through an entire post with a lot of extranuous text and images.  Lesson learned.

So, as a hearty thank you to both contestants I want to say that both will be receiving a prize.  That being said, the winner of the Favorite Miniature contest, as chosen by the lucky hat, is.... *drumroll*.................................... SonsofTaurus.

So while SonsofTaurus wins the 6th Edition rulebook, I want to invite both SonsofTaurus and Christopher Sheets to send me an e-mail at Chronowraith78*at* (obviously remove the *at* and replace with @).  I will work out a prize for Christopher Sheets as well.  This is my way of saying, "Thank you for tolerating my online presence".

Tomorrow I will elaborate more on favorite miniatures as well as few other topics before getting back to the basics.  I have planned for the next few weeks the following;

Ogre Firebelly Painting Tutorial
Tomb Kings Chariot Conversion using Necrosphinx Leftovers
Quick and easy Skaven Warlord on Bonebreaker conversion
Skaven Tactica Part V - Ranked Units
Dark Eldar Allies for Craftworld Eldar
The Chicken Little Syndrome and How to Avoid It (Otherwise known as common sense and patience)

So if you have a preference as to what you which of those you want to see first, leave a comment!