I haven't published much of my painting recently and the reason for that is I have been hard at work finishing off these Chaos Dwarf re-enforcements for Ulthar Deathfist's Khorne army. After his drubbing at the hands of the undead, it became obvious that he would need a little long range power. Hence, the purchasing of the Bazooka I posted last month and these crossbow dwarfs. To protect them from any annoying enemies I have a small unit of heavily armoured chaos dwarf fighters.

I haven't decided on any background for them yet, I will wait until the next game to create that. I have a few ideas about who the champion is but I will save them for a future post. The standard bearer is a rare conversion from me and was built from the crewman of the swivel gun. I chopped off and re-positioned the hand and added a shield to give him a different kind of feel from the regular model. The banner is much smaller than my other efforts as I learnt how easy the massive show stopper flags can get battered when you travel the length and breadth of England playing games. 

I had fun painting up these four little stunties. As I attempted with many of my Khornate chaos warriors, I tried to vary the colours of their armour to avoid the 'sea of red' that some Blood God armies can become. Of note, is the dwarf third from the left with th emetallic green plate armour. This model was another of my attempts at painting in the mid '80s chaos warrior colour. 

The models you can see here were already painted for other projects and were swallowed up by the larger unit with a few minor touches. Oldhammer die-hards may well recognise the chaos dwarf I entered in the first Golden Gobbo painting competition all those days ago. 

And finally, a close up of my Khorne crossbows. I love these models and I now have a few more of them. The crossbows are not Citadel ones but more moderns sculpts via Marcus Ansell at the Foundry.

Well, I have a few more Khorne pieces to finish off on the painting desk. Another chaos dwarf (so I can build the unit up to 10 models if I want) and a swivel gun. After that, Slaanesh will be seeing some re-enforcements too!
