I've been trying to update you guys every week, but last week was a little too hectic to put up a blog post. That, coupled with the tutorials and the Relic review, means that I haven't updated you with any Knights Bellicose progress in quite a while! I'm not completely done with this squad yet, but here's how I'm doing so far!

All that's left is backpacks and bases.

2 Marines per Tactical Squad will have scopes on their bolters,
so I'll have one designated marksman per combat squad.

Just like with the Ultramarines, I have two beakies per squad.
How do you think the color scheme came out on the beakies?

On every Tactical Squad, one of the beakies
will have an auspex.

Finished tactical arrow, painted using the
Shoulder Arrow Tutorial.

The Knights Bellicose chapter symbol

Some scorch marks on the front end of the flamer

Now, I'm working on the backpacks. I've just finished painting all the little parts that will slow me down later. I've painted all of the vents, the internal components (the top part on the left backpack), and the little parts that connect the main backpack to the vent balls on the sides. Painting the little stuff like that and getting it out of the way is a great way to keep you moving later. I can't suggest it highly enough.

The squad should be finished before too long. Also, I'm about ready to order the static grass I need to finish my first terrain board! Keep checking back to see how it all turns out and, in the mean time, have fun painting!