Wotcher Mates, Big Boss Nazdrek Gold Arma da Shiny 'ere,

Dis "Warlock" 'umie is outta cer..com..cormisshun at da moment, he he he

*Faint mumbling, as if someone is tied up and gagged somewhere*

So on account of 'im not bein' 'ere, I fought to meself- Nazdrek, your boyz 'ad a right krumpin' time last nite so whys not brag about it to dem "Innernet" 'umies and...Oi! Who dun let dat 'umie loose! 

*sounds of scuffle*
Apologies, sometimes you can't let your guard down around Greenskins for a second.

Hey all, 
Warlock here

I sold some of my dwarfs and as a result of a direct pick up, I got invited into a WHFB group to play a 1500pt game. Never one to turn down an opportunity (my last fantasy game was in 2011 lol) I mustered up almost 1500 points of Orcy goodness and made my way over to where the game was being held. Unfortunately before the match, I tripped on a pipe and sent plastic and metal flying everywhere- something I brushed off as 'failing an animosity check'. Haha, there was no major harm done although I need to pick up the orc, wolf and squig that we couldn't find.

I ended facing 1500 points of Tzeentchian Warriors of Chaos, with Dark elves vs Wood elves to my left and Dwarfs vs Dwarfs to my right.

It's here I'll pass you all back to Nazdrek as it was his boyz that did the fighting...
Setting up, fields of green!

To my right, Dwarfs vs Dwarfs- a grudge match?
Dat's right, it was sum o' me best boyz against dem really spiky chaos umies who worship dat blue bird fella 'Tasandwich' or sumthin. Anyway, da chaos boyz got da drop on us and had them 'orse fingies. One of dem, wif dere boss on it was all glowy and stuff.

As yer can see berlow, dat's 'ow I told my boyz to line up, wiff a coupla trolls fer 'ard 'itting. One fing's fer sure, ya gotta krump da chaos boyz 'arder den dey can krump you. Dat's me on da boar. See my shiny arma?

I 'ad a night gobbo shaman cast da curse of da bad moon in da field, to try an' curse dem chaos gitz but he over charged it an' it dun moved away. Dis was after the glowy 'orse git and 'is mates charged forward to meet my big 'uns. 
 Da gobbo wolf riders on da side managed to take out two of da five chaos 'umie raiders and got dem to flee. Har har! Dey shoulda brought sum bows demselves.

 A group of savage boyz keep looking around dis ruin, cuz dey fought Gork (or possibly Mork) was dere at one point. Anyhow, Some chaos gitz charged the wolves and killed one on da charge. Serves dem right fer being gobbos. Da chaos git on da glowy 'orse shot sum magic at da squigs, but only cooked one of dem. Awful nice o'dem, cooking us a meal.

 Dat dere's Ogbad, da shaman. He's alright, tho he does mumble into his squig pie every once inna while. 

Eventually da chaos git on da glowy 'orse and his cronies got into da fight with my Big 'uns. Da lads never 'ad a chance, even wif da choppas.

Da next moment was serprisin' as da gobbo wolf riders did me proud and got one of da chaos gitz on an 'orse! He, dem gobbos sure can pull dere weight if dey want to! This though was enough fer dem as they lost three more and decided to flee. Huh! Typical gobbos!

 I fergot ta mention, but I had sum arrer boyz who fired a volley an' got one of the walking chaos gitz! My boyz really did do me proud!

An' dis was a crucial moment in da battle, as my squig herd flanked da glowy 'orse ret-in-you caused dem to flee! My boyz ran da cowards down in this lucky break! Gork and Mork must've done sumthing as dem chaos gitz are tuff as nuts.

In dere excitement, da big 'uns fergot about dem walking chaos gitz who dem charged into dem and ran dose boyz down. Har har! Serves 'em right to start lotting before da battle is done!

Since da gobbo wolf riders had buggered off, I decided da time was right and charged into da fray, assisted by a trio of trolls who aimlessly flailed about fer a bit...I dunno why.
I personally killed one of da chaos 'orse gitz an  dats when dey surrendered. We was gunna win and we did har har! It was close at a few stages but dem  chaos gods are no match fer Gork and Mork!