If you follow me on Twitter you will know that recently I was lucky enough to win a copy of the Dark Vengeance set. Here are the first models I painted from the set, a Dark Angel tactical squad. I batch painted these models following an ‘ Ask ‘Eavy Metal’ article from White Dwarf 369 (it’s actually a guide for Disciples of Caliban but the colours are more or less the same).

I wanted to put the ‘dark’ into Dark Angels avoid the ‘Christmas tree’ colour palette that you often see used for the chapter. To that end I only made very limited use of red and cream on the models in order to keep the overall look darker. For this reason I painted the tactical markings in black rather than red or white (both of which I tried but looked too bright). I’m aiming for a high tabletop standard with these as they will be for playing and not just for display. At the moment I consider them finished but I may go back and add some 5th company markings and squad numbers once I have some more of the set painted.

As you may have noticed, sergeant Raphael is missing from the photo. I batch painted him along with the rest of the squad but, because of the extra details not present on the other models, I put him to one side after painting the green armour and will finish him at a later date.