I welcome any feedback on the list that isn't 'get rid of the vanilla chaos marines' or 'I know you said not to, but you should get rid of the chaos marines'. I still have about 15 painted marine type miniatures with various equipment even after writing this list, but there's not much point in continuing if they're never going to see play.

I'm going to try and make it work as best I can as I only play very, very rarely and then only casually.

Chaos Space Marines (1371 points)

HQ (165pts)

  • Chaos Lord (85pts)
    Champion of Chaos, Fearless, Independent Character
    Bike (20pts)
    • Power Armour
      Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon
  • Sorcerer (80pts)
    Champion of Chaos, Independent Character, Psyker
    Bike (20pts)
    • Power Armour
      Bolt Pistol, Force Weapon

Troops (826pts)

  • Chaos Cultists (168pts)
    Champion of Chaos
    Autogun (1pts), Flamer (5pts), 2x Heavy stubber (10pts), 35x Squad models (champion included) (140pts)
    • Champion's upgrade (12pts)
      Cultist Champion's Shotgun (2pts)
  • Chaos Cultists (168pts)
    Champion of Chaos
    Autogun (1pts), Flamer (5pts), 2x Heavy stubber (10pts), 35x Squad models (champion included) (140pts)
    • Champion's upgrade (12pts)
      Cultist Champion's Shotgun (2pts)
  • Chaos Space Marines (245pts)
    10x Chaos Space Marine (130pts), Plasma Gun (15pts), Plasma Gun (15pts)
    • Aspiring Champion (38pts)
      Champion of Chaos
      Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Plasma Pistol (15pts)
    • Chaos Rhino (47pts)
      Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher (12pts), Searchlight, Smoke launchers
  • Chaos Space Marines (245pts)
    10x Chaos Space Marine (130pts), Plasma Gun (15pts), Plasma Gun (15pts)
    • Aspiring Champion (38pts)
      Champion of Chaos
      Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon, Plasma Pistol (15pts)
    • Chaos Rhino (47pts)
      Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher (12pts), Searchlight, Smoke launchers

Fast Attack (130pts)

  • Chaos Bikers (130pts)
    5x Chaos Biker (100pts)
    • Chaos Biker Champion (30pts)
      Champion of Chaos
      Bolt Pistol, CCW

Heavy Support (250pts)

  • Havocs (115pts)
    4x Autocannon (40pts), 4x Havoc (52pts)
    • Aspiring Champion (23pts)
      Bolt Pistol, CCW
  • Havocs (135pts)
    2x Autocannon (20pts), 4x Havoc (52pts), Lascannon (20pts), Missile Launcher (15pts), Veteran of the long war (5pts)
    • Aspiring Champion (23pts)
      Bolt Pistol, CCW