Hey guys! I’ve had a bit of break from painting and blogging these past few weeks, mainly because work and personal life has gone a bit mental and I have had very little free time. On top of this I am really making a big push on my fitness again now I am 100% healed up. I have been trying to a 5km run every day(alternating with a 1-2hr cycle) along side 5km walking and some weights training. Really enjoying getting back into the swing of things and establishing a good balance.

Any way enough of this non hobby chat, I finished off Throgg the OrcOgre (Troll) King who will be getting used as my Tyrant or Slaughter master(basically my general!). Really went to town on him trying my best with the flesh and red cloth blending. I don’t usually paint one model at a time (unless it is a big monster) so it was quite liberating spending 15+ hours on one character model. I think the red on his cloak has been washed out a bit in the pictures unfortunately as the contrast between lighter and darker areas is more pronounced in person. I might go back and do some extreme highlights on the edges of the red (need to do this with my mournfang too). The red glaze I apply at the end of the layering/highlighting process, while awesome at smoothing the transitions down, really dulls the red down. That said I am really happy with the way he came out though and is probably the best single model I have painted!

So next up on the painting table is a firebelly, a carmine dragon and my new Realm of Battle Board! Really excited to do the latter as I want to get it ready for a triumph and treachery night I am hosting towards the end of July. Unfortunately I had to curtail my plans. There was going to be two tables playing TnT which fed into and effected each other but alas real life has meant I had to scale down this plan to just a single table with 5 players. I have written a special scenario with loads of free roaming monsters on the board (an aracknarock, a carmine dragon and a rock idol!) which will award bonus points/gold. The table is going to be a bit of a mission and I will probably dedicate a day to getting it painted.

Anyway let me know what you think of Throgg, I’m looking forward to having on a table smashing folk up.