Maybe this should actually rather be part 2.5 of this mini-series, but I am pretty hard at work on the converted Obliterator at the moment, and I thought it would be cool to just show you the model’s current status:

Here’s the – mostly finished – body:

Thamier_pattern_Obliterator_PIP (1)
Thamier_pattern_Obliterator_PIP (2)
I was initially slightly apprehensive about the slightly rubbery texture of the resin thamier used for casting the parts, as I feared the material might be problematic to paint. It turned out that my worries were entirely unfounded, though — in fact I was pleasantly surprised with painting thamier’s custom parts: They accepted the colour without a hitch and were really almost as easy to paint as stock GW parts.

In any case, I was happy enough with the result to immediately start working on the arms as well, so here’s the model as it looks like right now, with both arms attached:

Thamier_pattern_Obliterator_PIP (5)
Thamier_pattern_Obliterator_PIP (4)
Thamier_pattern_Obliterator_PIP (6)
The model’s still missing its shoulder pads, base and a ton of finishing touches, of course, but I am enormously pleased with it so far. So I thought I’d just share my progress. Expect to see the finished Obliterator rather soon ;-)

Anyway, let me know what you think! And, as always, thanks for looking and stay tuned for more!

Filed under: 40k, Chaos, Conversions, paintjob, WIP, World Eaters Tagged: 40k, behemoths, chaos space marines, conversion, helbrute, khorne, khorne's eternal hunt, kitbash, obliterators, PIP, scratchbuild, sculpt, thamier, thamier pattern, WIP, world eaters