The start of this year kicked off with my third spawn coming forth into this world. My Son would again remind me that having a small small child was much more time consuming that I remembered and that sleep is a luxury we don't actually need to survive. This would right away blow a giant hole in my hobby time of course lol.
I was playing a event a month locally until the new young one showed up. So the start of the year for me turned into a race to lead up to Adepticon. I had hung up my Demons and been play testing the other side of the coin with GK's. I had a Henchmen theme going but with the new spawn running around I would have to focus on three color minimum and finishing my mods. I would not have a outstanding painting score and honestly between trying to get my army done enough to go, and the team event I would end up taking a list I hadn't actually play tested at all.
Adepticon was a blast as always. I again highly encourage you to go if you have never been. I showed up early enough to get the limited edition Battle Foam bag they gave away as part of the early SWAG bag. I played in the championship Friday and fumbled my way through 4 great games! Hat's off to my opponents who all had been a blast. I played a IG force that rocket a DeathStrike missile of all things round one, Then a Black Templar force of Terms that I was able to squeeze out a win in a very close game that honestly came down to one dice roll, but Coteaz would not be denied!! Round three saw me square off with a amazing looking Paladin Army in a KP mission and I again inched out a Victory! I went into my fourth game knowing I had a shot at top 16 and qualifying for Day 2. I was in close to the same place the year before if I could get Max points round 4 the year before I could have made top 16, this year I was way behind on points but I only needed one Victory to go 4-0 and qualify but it was not meant to be. I played Demons and they took my lunch money and my shoes. It was Karma for moving on to another army from my primary force I suppose. Leaving me a bloody mess on the table as Bill Kim schooled me in how the big boys play. >_< Bill was a great guy though so no hard feelings he deserved that win. 3-1 wasn't bad at all I will take that. I spent all day Saturday doing the team even which was my first team event ever and I had a blast. I left exhausted Sunday after all the games and good times and having played Necron's in the team event I learned I roll more 6's when shooting Tesla than any other time in my gaming history.
This picture doesn't do this army justice is was an amazing themed Paly force.. I also wish I had a good picture of the Demons to post they also looked amazing while basically tabling me. |
Standard Template Construct was formed this year as well. Which has been a blast so far working with these other talented guys. I have had some good times and learned a bunch about the hobby side of things from painting to mods that I didn't know before. Just like with Tactics, it's a world of difference when you can bounce painting or hobby ideas/questions off a solid group of guys. Our goal really has been to inspire, and do something positive for the online community.
This year also saw a real camera purchase with a macro lens, and even a light box set up to be able to take some decent pictures of my mini's. Plus I have been breaking out the airbrush from time to time. As I said my Gk's have been my primary focus at the moment my goal is to get a list I enjoy playing complete and table top ready. So far since July I have been able to finish 3 chimera's, a dread, Coteaz, an INQ, 20 Strikes, 10 Henchmen/IG, and a squad of DCA to a very nice standard that I am happy with. (Not actually sure if that is slow progress or good progress thinking about it as I type this) Currently in progress I have a Bastion ready to be primed, a Couple Defense lines ready to be primed, started on 10 more strikes and 5 terms. I also have about 20 more IG to put together, as well as a Marbo, a Dread knight mid complete, and parts to finish my other Dread.
Some pictures of a few GK units you have prob seen but I am proud and it's a year in review post.
So stay tuned as we continue to share, inspire, and offer tips on all parts of the hobby. Also I Hope your year has been just as good to you hobby wise.
<Re-post from STC where I guest write, all guest articles will always be reposted here with a delay from other sites so you don't have to jump around to follow my content. Also to keep a record of things I wrote>