As we get back into a regular couple of posts a week let's kick things off with a Adepticon post. Adepticon is basically the Super Bowl for this hobby. I would think its safe to say that the event is basically the level other large GT's had been shooting toward when they formed. A several day convention surrounded by other like minded gamer type people. If you have never been than you are missing out. The event has tournaments for all kinds of game systems depending on what your flavor is. The event has classes for all aspects of the hobby, not to mention a vendor hall with lot's of big names from the hobby scene on site. To also include Black Library, third party bitz makers, several miniature companies, and carry case companies. The weekend also has demo's and free swag, as well as special deals going on the entire time. The evening are usually filled with throwing back some tasty beverages with friends both old and new. With trips to the Strip club, and twisted kilt thrown in for good measure.

I went the last two years and I can happily say I will be able to make it (although a bit more briefly this year) to the 2013 party as well. 

Going to this event takes some planning from you and your gaming crew if they plan to attend as well. The popularity of this ever growing event is mind boggling when you step back and think about it. Yesterday ticket pre sales went up for events, and 53 minutes later the 40k TEam event was sold out.... 53 minutes!!.. That is a impressive number. As I type this it is only the next day not even 24 full hours since ticket sales started and already the 40k champs event SOLD OUT, the 40k Championships SOLD OUT, Warhammer Fantasy Championship SOLD OUT, Warmachine/Hordes Doubles event SOLD OUT, as well as a large number of the classes. If you want to go this year and do something specific don't wast time better log in and see if it's already too late. 

I'll be there Friday through Sunday for the 40k Team event. Throwing down and having a good time. There will also be a few other members from the STC crew floating about secretly in the crowd. Along with just about a who's who of internet celebs, and podcast crews. If your going I'll see you there!!