So we have part three of our quick series. The first part was the generic rulebook, and then we went into half the codex's. Let's go ahead and finish up the other half of the books.
Page 32 – Commissars, Summary Execution.
Change the first sentence to read “If the Commissar has joined
a squad chosen from Codex: Imperial Guard and it fails a Morale
test, the Commissar will summarily execute the squad’s current
commander – this is the Imperial Guard model in the squad
with the highest Leadership value.”
So can you kill a guy over and over until you pass the check?
Page 35 – Ministorum Priests, Righteous Fury.
Change the first sentence to read “A Priest and any unit chosen
from Codex: Imperial Guard that he has joined re-roll any failed
To Hit rolls in close combat on the turn in which they charge.”
Taking out any allies combos as we continue with the theme.
Page 44 – Rough Riders, Hunting Lance.
Replace the second paragraph with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- +2 3 Melee, First Charge
First Charge: Rough Riders use their hunting lances the first
time they successfully charge into close combat, after which
they cannot be used again. In addition to the profile above, a
model armed with a hunting lance fights at the Initiative 5 step
in the phase they use it.
Rough riders got a little boost however this is one of those units we don't often see on the table top. So I suppose if you are already running them on a regular then you got some help but this isn't anything to make them worth running if you aren't already.
Page 48 – Leman Russ Battle Tank, Lumbering Behemoth.
Replace this entry with the following: “A Leman Russ follows
the rules for Heavy Vehicles on page 83 of the Warhammer
40,000 rulebook.”
Q: Can an Imperial Guard unit use the Leadership of an allied
Independent Character that has joined their squad for the purposes of
receiving an order? (p29)
A: No.
Again cutting out a possible combo
Q: Can an allied Independent Character benefit from Imperial Guard
Orders if they have joined an Imperial Guard Squad that successfully
receives an order? (p29)
A: No.
Again cutting out a possible combo
Q: What effect, if any, does the Scout special rule have on a Valkyrie or
Vendetta? Will this allow it to enter play in Turn 1 by redeploying 6"
onto the board? (p56)
A: It has no effect.
Clearing up a small issue people had been wondering. Always nice when your units have useless abilities. Hey GW is this rule now useless? Yes it is, but flyers are cool right? ZOOM.. now buy more plastic!
Page 81 – Mindshackle Scarabs.
Change the first sentence to read “At the start of the Fight subphase, after charges have been made, but before any blows are
struck, randomly select a non-vehicle enemy model in base
contact with the bearer of the mindshackle scarabs.”
Given that it says before blows are struck this seems to mean that you can use these officially in a challenge I would say. You do use the challenge rules at the start of a assault before blows are struck. So I am guessing for the most part this is just some words clarity so people aren't going to argue you can't use them.
Page 44 – Canoptek Wraiths, Whip Coils.
Change the second paragraph to read “Any enemy model that is
in base contact with a Canoptek Wraith with whip coils at the
beginning of the Fight sub-phase counts their Initiative value as
1 until the end of the Assault phase, regardless of their actual
This is important this means if you aren't already, (and you should be) you need to pay attention to how you do assaults. Remember if you initially put your models into base to base with the whip coils they don't get to move 3 inches so you can choose which and how many of your models are going to be init one through your movement.
Q: If a Canoptek Wraith with whip coils is slain by enemy models not
in base contact and at a higher Initiative step, when do the enemy
models that were initially in base contact and affected by the whip coils
(and therefore reduced to Initiative 1) actually fight? (p44)
A: The effects of the whip coils/lash whips take place at the
beginning of the Fight sub-phase and last until the end of the
Assault phase, so the affected models would still fight at
Initiative step 1 that turn
This is basically the same question not sure why its listed again.
Q: If a model makes a Pile In move which brings it into base contact
with a Canoptek Wraith with whip coils, does it then fight at its
normal Initiative step or must it wait until the Initiative 1 step? (p44)
A: It fights at its normal Initiative.
Again the same question worded in another matter , but the first question appears to cover all of these.
Page 81 – Necron Wargear, Hyperphase Sword.
Replace the second paragraph with “A hyperphase sword is a
power sword.
Q: If a character passes a Look Out, Sir roll against a Necron Weapon
with Entropic Strike, which model loses its armour save? (p29)
A: The model to which the Wounding hit was allocated.
I can't imagine this came up often, but it makes sense.
Q: Can a model with Entropic Strike reduce the armour value of a fortification?
A: Yes.
Good to know there is yet another reason you might want to take something besides a wraith.. but honestly unless your local meta is allowing you to take the larger fortifications this is only for the bastion.
Q: If a unit with one or more reanimation protocols or ever-living
counters fails its Morale check and falls back off the table, what
happens to the counters and the models they represent? (p29)
A: They are lost and no Reanimation Protocols/Ever-living rolls
are made
One of the few ways to get around the ever living rolls. Good to know for those times you are able to force them off the table although Necrons have good leadership being shambly robots and all so with the exception of assault and most times you will catch them not sure this comes up often either.
Q: Can a Doom Scythe’s death ray hit enemy Flyers and/or Flying
Monstrous Creatures? (p50)
A: The Death Ray can hit Flyers in Hover Mode (friendly or
enemy) and Gliding Flying Monstrous Creatures (friendly or
enemy). It cannot hit Zooming Flyers or Swooping Flying
Monstrous Creatures.
Again defending the fact you need to snap shot to hit flyers and the ray cannot snap shot. This is a nerf for the Death Ray though as the doom plane was well worth its cost being able to also punk other flyers. The plane is still fantastic for killing vehicles of course.
Q: Do units hit by lightning as a result of Imotekh’s Lord of the Storm
special rule benefit from the Stealth or Shrouded special rules due to
Night Fighting? (p55).
A: No.
If they had ruled a yes here then instead of this text you would see a FACE PALM picture.
Q: If mindshackle scarabs are used against a model with a force
weapon or a weapon which allows the wielder to inflict Instant Death
with a successful Leadership test, can the Necron player force the enemy
model to utilise this ability? (p81)
A: Yes.
Again the mind bugs are very annoying and make you pretty good at challenges.
Q: If mindshackle scarabs are used against a model whose weapon
gives them additional Attacks in close combat for any reason, are these
attacks added to the number of hits the model causes on their unit (for
example a Daemon Weapon)? (p81)
A: No.
The rule says D3 honestly they are annoying enough without you also gaining bonus attacks for different Characters abilities. Someone was being greedy. =P
Q: Does a Canoptek Wraith equipped with a particle caster receive
+1 Attack in close combat? (p94)
A: No.
This is funny because by RAW I could see this argument, however honestly one more attack wasn't' going to be a big deal. You don't need more attacks and I would say it would end up being a waste of points.
Q: Is there any way to embark back onto a Night Scythe?
A: Yes – follow the rules for Embarking on page 78, treating
the Night Scythe’s base as its Access Point. Note that this is
possible despite the Night Scythe being a Zooming Flyer.
This is something I know several people are upset about... Although I am not sure why? I can see people complain that Crons doing get injured in the plane when it dies, and I can see people complain that they can get out even when the flyer can't go into hover mode.. However except for drop pods everyone can always get back in transports so why would they not be able to do this? You should honestly be happy they are making them use the base instead of just being within 6 inches of the base and getting beamed up.
Page 41 – Trukks, Ramshackle.
Replace the first sentence with “If a Trukk suffers an Explodes
result on the Vehicle Damage table or is Wrecked as a result of
being reduced to 0 Hull Points, roll on the Ramshackle table
below and apply the result instead of the usual effects”.
So just updating for the new vehicle rules. Just means the Truck randomly gets free movement if you glance it to death.
Page 42 – Tankbustas, Tankhammer.
Replace the second sentence with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- 10 - Melee, Two-handed
I was hoping this would be AP2, not many str 10 assault weapons aren't ap2 or better I don't think. Plus it would give this unit a bit of a bump.
Page 54 – Looted Wagons, Don’t Press Dat.
Change the fourth and fifth sentences to read “This can
potentially mean that the Wagon Tank Shocks or Rams an
enemy unit. Passengers may not disembark this turn apart from
performing an emergency disembarkation in the event that the
Wagon is Wrecked.”
This means that if you put your models in front of a wagon and it rolls a one, then it screws his plans. lol
Page 58 – Ghazghkull Thraka, Prophet of the Waaagh!
Change the third paragraph to read “Furthermore, for the
duration of the Waaagh!, all friendly Ork Infantry units
automatically count as rolling a 6 if they Run, and models with
the Slow and Purposeful special rule exchange it for Relentless
instead. All non-fleeing friendly Ork units become Fearless for
the duration of the Waaagh!”.
I don't understand why they didn't update Ghaz's ability? You would think they would have done something else to bring him in light with 6th edition. Since he gives his units fleet but that isn't as good as it used to be. Although giving your slow units relentless is interesting, but not sure it's useful since MegaNobs aren't that great honestly?
Q: Can a bomb squig target a Zooming Flyer if it’s the nearest vehicle?
A: No
Again cannot snap fire no hitting the plane as plus this means they won't randomly blow up your own flyers either.
Q: What type of power weapon is a burna in combat? (p45)
A: A burna is an unusual power weapon when used in close
combat, therefore it is AP3.
Q: Can a burna be used to shoot in Overwatch and be used as a power
weapon later in the same Assault phase? (p45)
A: No.
D3 attacks is still pretty good especially since most people have higher init than you.
Q: If a Looted Wagon fails its Don’t Press Dat roll it must move ‘as far
as possible’. Does this mean it has to move Flat Out? (p54)
A: No.
Q: Can cover saves be taken against Wounds caused by a deff rolla?
A: Yes.
I haven't a clue how this works? Cover is normally TLOS so if I ram into you how is it that you are 25 percent obscured? Not counting a KFF of course your going to have to convince me lol. Although now by this rule it means that if I smash into your unit who is in cover you still get your area terrain rolls, which almost makes me ask if I can take cover saves in hth since it almost seems to be the same concept at this point.
Q: If a vehicle with a deff rolla Tank Shocks a unit which subsequently
passes its Leadership test and elects to move out of the way, does that
unit still suffer the D6 Strength 10 hits even though the rulebook states
the unit lets the tank move through ‘as if it were not there’? (p85)
A: Yes.
Q: Can Ork boarding planks, grabbin’ klaws and wreckin’ balls target
Zooming Flyers? (p93)
A: No.
Again no special rules allowed to get around the snap fire mechanic
Q: Can allied Independent Characters benefit from Acts of Faith if they
have joined an affected Sisters of Battle unit? (p29)
A: No.
Again cleaning up allies so you can't create crazy combos.
Q: If a model in a Sororitas Command Squad is equipped with a
simulacrum imperialis or blessed banner, can they also be equipped with
a special or heavy weapon? (p85)
A: No.
Q: When taking multiple Penitent Engines in a Heavy Support slot,
are these purchased as a single squadron or do they operate
independently of one another? (p91)
A: They are purchased as a squadron.
Q: Can a Shield of Faith be removed by a Vindicare Assassin’s
shieldbreaker rounds? (p94)
A: No.
Q: When firing an exorcist launcher, what point on the weapon is
considered to be the ‘barrel’ of the weapon for measuring purposes?
A: Any of the pipes of the organ.
I am not sure how I feel about this ruling? Also seems random that you get to measure from any of the pipes?
Page 58 – Chaplain, Liturgies of Battle.
Change the first sentence to read “On a player turn in which
he charges, a Chaplain and all members of any unit chosen
from Codex: Space Marines that he has joined re-roll failed rolls
To Hit.”
Important again to see that it now says CODEX SPACE MARINES so stops allies nonsense again.
Page 85 – Cato Sicarius, Talassarian Tempest Blade.
Change the first sentence to read “This is a power sword.”
Page 86 – Varro Tigurius, Rod of Tigurius.
Replace the entry with “The Rod of Tigurius is a force stave
with the Master-crafted special rule.
Page 92 Kayvaan Shrike, See, But Remain Unseen.
Replace this entry with the following:
“See, But Remain Unseen: Shrike (and any models in a unit
chosen from Codex: Space Marines that he has joined before
deployment) benefit from the Infiltrate special rule).
Allies stuff again.
Page 99 – Wargear, Relic Blade.
Replace the second paragraph with the following profile:
Range S AP Type
- 6 3 Melee, Two-handed
Q: Can Sternguard Veterans equipped with storm bolters use their
Special Issue Ammunition with these weapons? (p63)
A: No
Seems odd that this would just come up now?
Q: Is the Stormtalon Gunship available to any armies other than those
chosen from Codex: Space Marines?
A: No.
Look at that some people want the toys out of the vanilla marines, you can do that but you have to use allies =P
Q: Can one Stormtalon Gunship use its Escort special rule in
conjunction with a unit embarked in reserve on a non-Dedicated
Transport vehicle while another Stormtalon uses its Escort special rule
in conjunction with the non-Dedicated Transport itself? For example, if
a Tactical Squad is embarked upon a Land Raider that is placed in
Reserve, can one Stormtalon Gunship escort the Tactical Squad while
another escorts the Land Raider?
A: No. If multiple units are defined by the Reserves rules as
arriving ‘together’ they are considered, for the purposes of the
Escort special rule only, to be a single unit and thus may only
have a maximum of one Stormtalon Gunship assigned to them
as a whole. A maximum of one Stormtalon Gunship may be
assigned to each unit or group of units for which you make a
single reserves roll.
This is interesting to know and a cute trick if it would have worked.
Page 83 – Ulrik the Slayer, Wargear.
Replace “Power weapon” entry with “Crozius arcanum (power
Page 85 – Wolf Priest, Wargear.
Replace “Crozius arcanum (power weapon)” entry with
“Crozius arcanum (power maul).”
Page 53 – Njal Stormcaller, Staff of the Stormcaller.
Change the entry to read “Njal’s staff acts as a runic weapon
(stave) that nullifies enemy psychic powers on the roll of a 3+
(see page 36).”
Page 55 – Ragnar Blackmane, Insane Bravado.
Replace the special rule with the following:
Insane Bravado: Ragnar is as glory-hungry as the most
ferocious Blood Claw and is famous for his acts of insane
heroism against the odds. He and any unit that he joins chosen
from Codex: Space Wolves must declare a charge if it is possible
to do so. However, Ragnar’s reckless assaults are the stuff of
legend – he and any unit he joins from Codex: Space Wolves
receive an improved Charge Bonus of +D3 Attacks (instead of
the usual +1) when they charge.
Again Codex Space wolves so you can't add him to your large IG blob or some nonsense and give yourself a billion str 3 attacks.
Page 81 – Space Wolves Army List, Leaders of the Pack.
Change the second sentence of the second paragraph to read
“To represent this, no two Independent Characters may bear
the same saga, nor may they bear the same psychic powers or
wargear combination.”
Page 83 – HQ, Bjorn the Fell-handed, Unit Type.
Change unit type to Walker (Character).
Page 83 – HQ, Bjorn the Fell-handed, Hull Points.
Add a Hull Points value of 3.
Q: Can a Wolf Guard Pack Leader or Independent Character join a
squad of Wolf Scouts and benefit from the Outflank special rule
because at least one model has the ability? (p27)
A: Yes.
Q: If a Space Wolf character is involved in a challenge, can any
Fenrisian Wolves they have strike blows, have Wounds allocated to
them, or offer Moral Support? (p31)
A: No.
No help in challenges even from your pets.
Q: Can a Rune Priest’s Chooser of the Slain modify the BS1 of a Snap
Shot? (p36)
A: No.
Even a Rune Priest cannot break the snap fire rules!
Q: Is the Jaws of the World Wolf psychic power a beam?(p37)
A: No.
I wonder if it would matter? I mean a beam loses str per model it hits, but this ability has no str so does being or not being a beam change something? I am sure there is a reason I am not seeing off the top of my head.
Q: If a model is removed from play after failing an Initiative test for
the Jaws of the World Wolf psychic power but has the Eternal Warrior
special rule, what happens? (p37)
A: The model is still removed from play
You don't get a free pass from JotWW only things with wings do.
Q: Does Jaws of the World Wolf affect Jetbikes? How about Artillery?
A: Yes, to both questions
again only flyers and flying monsters are immune, and only until they stop moving fast.
Q: Does the Tempest’s Wrath psychic power affect Flyers? (p37)
A: No.
Q: If Logan Grimnar chooses to wield the Axe Morkai in one hand,
does it count as a frost blade (as mentioned in the special rule) or a
frost axe (as implied by the weapon’s name and the model itself)? (p56)
A: A frost blade
Q: Does the Wolf Standard’s ability to re-roll any dice rolls of a 1 apply
for the duration of the assault phase
A: Yes entire Assault phase, and thus allow 1's to be rerolled on Overwatch To Hit and To Wound rolls as well as in the Fight
sub-phase? (p62)
Interesting and again showing the power of the standard.
Q: Are Arjac Rockfist and Lukas the Trickster characters? (p86/89)
A: Yes.
Q: Does a character with Saga of the Hunter pass on his Outflank and
Stealth special rules to a unit he joins before deployment? (p64)
A: Yes..
Stealth is nice, but outflank isn't so great anymore on most units honestly.
Q: Can I attempt to use a Rune Priest’s runic weapon, a Wolf Tail
Talisman and make a Deny the Witch roll to nullify an enemy psychic
A: No. You can only make a single attempt to prevent an
enemy psychic power, so choose your method carefully.
This is a great ruling and I hope they keep this concept through out the edition. No one should get multiple attempts.
Page 26 – Battlesuit Armoury, Iridium Armour.
Change the last sentence to read “These increase the model’s
Armour Save to 2+, but the additional 2D6" move in the
Assault phase is reduced to 1D6".
When you are heavy you can't jump as far it appears. Just bringing things up to date with the current rules more than anything.
Page 27 – Armoury, Smart Missile System.
Ignore the final sentence (ref. Night Fight) completely.
Page 30 – Armoury, Disruption Pod.
Change the last sentence to read “A vehicle with a disruption
pod has the Shrouded special rule against any weapons firing
from more than 12" away.”
This is pretty good you can now give your vehicles stealth. Something that isn't shabby at all with the new night fight rules and the ability to stack stealth.
Page 31 – Drones, Unit Type.
Add the following at the end of the Drones section:
“Regardless of its Unit Type, a Drone counts as a single model
for the purposes of Transport Capacity.”
Q: If a Tau unit with networked markerlights fires Overwatch, may it
use any markerlight counters generated to modify the BS of the Snap
Shots? (p29)
A: No.
This would have been one time I thought they might have let you get around the snap shot mechanic. They appear to have stuck to their guns though, and again snap shot is not something you can modify.
Q: Can any kind of Tau Drones ever be considered characters? For
example if attached to a character with a Drone Controller? (p31)
A: No.
No you can't throw a killer Frisbee at a challenge to distract him for a turn.
Q: If a Tau character is involved in a challenge, can any Drones they
have strike blows, have Wounds allocated to them, or offer Moral
Support? (p31)
A: No.
So again you don't like being in hth, something Tau players are used to.
Q: If I wish to include an allied detachment from Codex: Tau
Empire, do I still need to include 1+ Tau Commander and 1+ Fire
Warrior Team? (p32/36)
A: Yes.
Sorry you still have to take Fire warriors, sometimes I feel like they made that rule because no one would ever take them if they didn't.
Page 62 – Tyranid Psychic Powers, Onslaught.
Change the last sentence to read “A unit under the effect of
Onslaught may not charge that turn.
Page 83 – Close Combat Weapon, Lash Whips.
Change the second paragraph to read “Any enemy model that
is in base contact with a Tyranid with one or more lash whips at
the beginning of the Fight sub-phase counts their Initiative
value as 1 until the end of the Assault phase, regardless of their
actual Initiative.”
Seems to be in line with Whip coils which is fine as long as they rule everything the same.
Q: Can a Tyranid Broodlord (which has BS 0) use a witchfire psychic
power that doesn’t require a roll To Hit? If not, is he able to re-roll the
psychic power because he cannot use it? (p40)
A: No to both questions.
Interesting that you can take something but not be able to use it.
Q: Can a model take a cover save from wargear such as smoke
launchers or an Ork Mekboy’s kustom force field against shooting
attacks made by Hive Guard impaler cannons? (p47)
A: No
Cover saves are cover saves it appears but, for some reason above you can take cover saves from a Deff rolla? shrug
Q: Can a model take a cover save from the Jink special rule against
shooting attacks made by Hive Guard impaler cannons? (p47)
A: No.
This is important as we play in this age of flyers. Jink saves on things is a cover save, so anything that gets around cover saves deny's these saves. This is something that can be a great tool to keep in mind when list building.
Q: Are Zooming Flyers or Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures
affected by Mawloc’s Terror From the Deep special rule? (p51)
A: No. However, if the Mawloc cannot be placed because a
Zooming Flyer or a Swooping Flying Monstrous Creature is in
the way, move the obstructing model by the shortest distance so
that they are 1" away from the Mawloc when it is placed.
I suppose it could be interesting that you are able to move the flyer this way? Although I haven't got a idea what good this would be since at events I have been to flyers don't score.
Q: Can a Mycetic Spore be subject to a Tank Shock and, if so, can it
still choose whether to Death or Glory or simply move out of the way?
A: Yes, but it must choose to make a Death of Glory attack as it
cannot move for any reason once it has entered the battle.
This means if it fails its death or glory it dies per the rules.
Q: Tyranid Ymgarl Genestealers use their Alter Form rule at the
beginning of the Assault phase. If I choose them to have a Protective
Carapace, will they benefit from Toughness 5 against Overwatch fire?
A: Yes.
Q: The rulebook states that nobody can attack on the same turn that
they arrive from Reserves. However, the Ymgarl Genestealers Dormant
special rule contradicts this. Which is correct? (p61)
A: Ymgarl Genestealers may charge on the turn they arrive
from Reserves.
With the fact that you can no longer assault the turn you arrive so normal Genestealers aren't as good outflanking anymore, I would say these two rulings really make a case for Ymgarl being a bit better than they had been before.
Q: If a model with a lash whip is slain by enemy models not in base
contact and at a higher Initiative step, when do the enemy models that
were initially in base contact and affected by the lash whip (and
therefore reduced to Initiative 1) actually fight? (p83)
A: The effects of the whip coils/lash whips take place at the
beginning of the Fight sub-phase and last until the end of the
Assault phase, so the affected models would still fight at
Initiative step 1 that turn.
Again we get the same issue brought up again.
Q: If a model makes a Pile In move which brings it into base contact
with a model with a lash whip, does it then fight at its normal
Initiative step or must it wait until the Initiative 1 step? (p83)
A: It fights at its normal Initiative.
Again some clarity as we have all new pile in moves.