Hello and good afternoon fellow travelers of the warp and worshipers of Nurgle. I thought I would update you all on my crashed Aquila lander. I should have it finished by the end of this weekend. All I have left to do is the Aquila, which I am torn between doing in white or gold and a scanner next to the cockpit. Other then that I just have to touch up a few bits here and there, protect spray it and then gloss varnish the glass.

I have never painted glass before so I spent a few hours browsing the webt and found a simple tutorial over at Dave Taylor Miniatures. I think it has turned out rather nicely. Once I have my lander done I have just finished priming 10 cultists fro mthe new Dark Vengence box set and I can't wait to get stuck into them.

Unfortunately that is all I have for you all this week, may Nurgle's blessing forever be in your favor.