I'm restarting my Scythes of the Emperor army. These models are the first two men of a Sternguard squad, which is admittedly an odd place to start. However, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to make sternguard from the awesome Dark Angel veterans kit.

The robed bodies are a nice way of differentiating veterans from ordinary tactical squad members, and the all plastic kit lends itself to conversions much better than the metal Sternguard kit does.

The only drawback is the sheer amount of Dark Angle iconography that is present - to the extent that the kit contains no plain shoulderpads and most of the weapons require trimming.

Scythes of the Emperor players will also note that I've gone for a non traditional colour scheme, the traditional one featuring lots of bright yellow. I decided that it was a very 90's look, and so have gone for a bone/black colour scheme. I've also used the more modern double scythe emblem, rather than the original single scythe.

That shoulderpad says 'Sotha', the homeworld of the Scythes.

More pictures:

Lastly, for anyone wanting to know more about the Scythes of the Emperor, I can recommend this site.

Next up from my stash is my finished platoon of British Infantry, which are awaiting basing.