...That is a nice boulder.

Several pieces of pine bark from the local forest, a hardboard base, and some paint. 

A close up of the stone texture. I've moved on somewhat from the spray black - drybrush grey method of painting rocks. My new method goes something like this:

  1. Basecoat mid grey
  2. drybrush light grey
  3. black/dark grey wash
  4. lightly drybrush mid grey
  5. even more lightly drybrush light grey
  6. selectively wash areas with greens and browns to give the piece a bit of colour.
  7. Add moss or grass
  8. spray varnish.

Here's a picture with the elf from the last post, looking suitably heroic and elven. I'm definitely getting back into LOTR again.

As an aside, could somebody explain to me why, in the last three days, despite not posting anything, I've received over 800 hits?