So with mail day earlier this week, I received some reinforcements for my Imperial Japanese Army for Bolt Action army. A nice Type 1 47mm Anti-tank gun. Powerful stuff here.. for if/when I play up against some of the larger tanks available in some of the other armies.

Though I do have to say that this is a nice kit. Easy to put together. Though the Wargames Command Post was where I got it from provides this gun with 4 crew, but in Bolt Action it only requires 3.. still put it together with all 4 though just cause I like the pieces and thought why not.

I threw them onto a 60mm circle base. To get them unified, and something that I wish I had used on the other weapon teams. But I guess I will leave it for the larger pieces all the same.

Used the same gravel for this as I did with all the infantry pieces. Nothing uber fancy here.

For painting purposes I glued the models down first, and applied all the sand to it. And then painted them all attached to the base. Made sense, and since I am only aiming for table top with these guys it was OK.

I painted the artillery piece itself separately from the rest. And on the front gun shield I added some extra weathering, and chipping. Not as much in the back sections, but I could always go back and change that if needed.

All in all, this piece took me a few hours.. nothing major.. and more while doing other things around the house.

I also did a bit more work on the Ho-Ro Artillery tank.. which reclaimed top spot in the army due to how well it played in the last game on Tuesday. So I muddied it up nice and good here to represent the mud and grime it went through during the last game. Hiding out in the forest and picking off entire units one by one with its massive Heavy Howitzer! BOOM BOOM!!!

Cannot say that it is great work, but it was a lot of fun tossing around colors and pigments for a couple of hours on it.

Most of the original camo is now more like pre-shadowing for the dirt/mud. But still nice overall I believe!

Expect more updates on these guys as I have quite a few of the infantry in the wings at the moment waiting to receive paint... the horde grows!!!!