Today's report is just in from a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.  Star Wars is coming in force to the Wargate, and X-Wing by Fantasy Flight Games is pretty much single-handedly responsible for overturning the club's aversion to Star Wars!  The Smith lays out how they have begun their journey into the Force, submitted from our Texas Chapter!

Imperial Navy: Sigma Squadron ambushes Rebel forces in the Karthakk System
This week began our summer game season at the Texas Chapter.  Enthusiasm couldn't be higher as we breeze our way through the rules and begin the campaign.  The four game pre-season consisted of only battles using the core set miniatures.  We began with two battles with basic rules, then moved on to play two with the advanced rules.  

Our Campaign begins in the Karthakk System on the outer rim of the galaxy, during the Shadow of the Empire time period.  Boba Fett stops on Lok to pick up a heavy payload of seismic and proximity mines as he makes his way to Jabba's Palace on Tatooine.  The Rebel Alliance has activated Blue Squadron (led by Ten Numb) to pursue the Slave One.  The Gray Squadron led by Horton Salm quickly volunteered to accompany Ten.  Unbeknownst to Boba Fett (or the Rebels), the Emperor has sent the dreaded Sigma Squadron led by none other than Darth Vader himself to snuff out the Rebel threat.  Ten and the Rebels will have their hands full for sure!

We enjoyed learning the rules, the strategic aspect, and the competitive nature of the game.

Imperial Forces
  • Steven (Bounty Hunter)
    • Boba Fett in Slave-1
    • 2 TIE Fighters
  • Vincent (Sigma Squadron)
    • Darth Vader in TIE Advanced
    • TIE Phantom
    • 2 TIE Fighters
Alliance Forces
  • The Smith (Blue Squadron)
    • Ten Numb in B-Wing
    • E-Wing
    • Y-Wing
Lok: Home of the Nym Crime Syndicate
Battle Reports

Battle 1
Sigma Squadron (Tie Adavnce, Tie Phantom, Tie Fighters x2) vs. Blue Squadron (B-wing, E-wing, Y-wing)

Point Value: 100

Sigma Squadron employs cloaking technology as it delivers a crushing defeat to the rebels as they lose the opening battle of the Campaign.

Victory: Sigma Squadron

Battle 2
Blue Squadron (B-wing, E-wing, Y-wing) vs. Boba Fett (Slave One, Tie Fighterx2)

Point Value: 100

Ten Numb and Blue Squadron re-group after narrowly escaping Darth Vader's grasp. The Rebel's hold on and are able to pull a win out after Boba Fett flee's the battlefield in an attempt to deliver his bounty to Jabba.

Victory: Blue Squadron

Texas Chapter is go for lightspeed!  Next year will bring a multi-chapter X-Wing campaign that will also dovetail with a narrative established in a concurrent Star Wars D20 roleplaying game and the Star Wars Miniatures battle game.  Thanks to the Smith for updating us on the chapter's progress into this awesome new miniature game that brings starfighters back to the fore!  We'll be seeing you in a lot of familiar places, like Hoth and well as some places you've probably never heard of before.  Until then...

Stay on target!