Commander, MSSS, PEN chip, shield gen, stims, velocity tracker, iridium
Riptide, stims, ion, fusion, EWO
3 crisis suits, 2 fusion blasters, target lock, 2x 2 missile pod
6 firewarriors
6 firewarriors
10 kroot
4 Pathfinders
3 broadsides, 3x EWO
Game 1 was against a tyranids army, against which I must admit I was quite eager to play my first match:
Hive tyrant, wings, upgrades
30(?) gaunts with adrenal glands(?), and/or toxin sacs
30 termagants also similarly upgraded
2x zoanthrope
Mawloc/trygon (idk I'm bad with nids sorry)
Mission was purge, I got to deploy first and did so in such a way so as to theoretically minimise the amount of cover he get/his ability to hide is tyrant in particular so that on turn 1 I'd be able to give him a good pummelling.
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