The Hobbit, for me, has been a distinctly average affair. Stretched over three films when at the absolute most it should have been two even with all the source material and non-Hobbit events crammed in there.
The first film was okay but let down by moments of stupidity on the part of Peter Jackson. Just some scenes offered nothing and should have been cut. It was too long, too laboured and often too cheap. The second film was better but sadly nearly as forgettable with it being yet another overly long road trip movie. Evangeline Lilly all done up like an Elf was the probably my favourite bit, but that’s just me… The films erred too much on the light hearted side of butchery to make it more accessible to children but actually just comes off as naive and inappropriate.
The trailer for The Battle of Five Armies has come out and finally looks like a Lord of the Rings film. It looks gritty, grungy and the capery of slitting a Godlin King’s throat is long gone. This one should be good.