So I scoured wikipedia looking for something funny or amusing I could come up with for the Corollary, but fell asleep half way through.
Anyway, the Corollary is a light vector for Convergence. Unlike most vectors though, it has no offensive abilities at all. So what does it do? Well, how does storing 3 focus a turn sound? Not enough for ya? How about also increasing your castors range? Still you want more? Ok, how about the fact that it can hand out those focus like candy to any other vector? More? You're a demanding little shit. Ok, how about the fact that like all Convergence vectors it can have focus inducted back to it? I'll take all of that. Convergence is already pretty focus efficient, and this thing makes them even more so. There are so many crazy things you can do with it I can't even count them all. Add in that it's a pretty cool looking model to boot, and you have what I consider an auto-include in any list above 15 points. I'll quit rambling now so you can look at the pretty pictures.
There’s just nothing funny about math
by FunDave | Jul 29, 2014