I don't usually enter competitions because I'm not the greatest painter in the world. Last month, though, there were two competitions that I thought I'd have a go at. 

The competitions were over at The Last Alliance website.

The first was a converting competition, I entered my mounted Radagast and won!


But that wasn't as exciting as the next one - I entered my Hasharin into another competition sponsered by Oz Hammer (http://ozhammer.webs.com/). These guys are fantastic for us "Down Southers" as they send miniatures from the UK to us, saving us a TON of money since GW gouges the heck out of prices in Australia. 

They sponsored a painting comp for people in Australia and New Zealand here: (http://www.thelastalliance.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=5555)

Of course, the restricted entries meant I had a chance and won with the Hasharin!

They let me choose a prize that would suit my armies/what I wanted and I chose a Wraith on wings! So shortly thereafter the postman delivered me a Fell Beast kit!

I'll post updates in the next post as I've started putting it together now.