TJ here to just talk about another Alternative model from a company that desrves a little shout out: Master Crafted Minis. Now, they produce quite a few items (shoulder pads and guns being on the list), but since we have been talking super heavies lately, I wanted to show off what I think would be  great alternative to the plastic Transcendent C'tan model.
The image above is from a post on Facing the Grey Tide, one of my new favorites to read, and this is a good chance to see how the models scales and to see how it's distinct Necron features show against the rest of a cron army.

Here is a look at the GW model for a sense of scale.

Here is a look at the min on the sprue. Now I will say that you can probably order the plastic version from Ebay for a little less, but I thin this is clearly a superior models and I think it straddles the line between Necron aesthetics, that Cenobite look and something somewhat godlike in power!

For more information on this model or to see more by MC Minis, check out this link.

That being said, have you got any xperince with MC Minis? We would love to hear your thoughts.