After spending the last two weeks packing and moving, I was delighted to come back online and see that there were new Army Builder files for Imperial Armour 11! As soon as I got a chance, I sat down to see if I could cheese my way through a few lists. So, without further ado, here we go...

Note: the .ab file might not be entirely correct on points cost. To play it safe, I underpointed the army somewhat...
Mech Corsairs: This list is designed around a fully mechanized, rapid-assault strike force.

HQ: "Fresh Prince of Corsair" (sic)
     1 Fresh Prince of Corsair = (Fusion Pistol + Power Weapon) + Haywire Grenades
     5 Corsair Blade Sworn Retinue = (Fusion Pistol + Power Weapon) + Haywire Grenades
     1 Corsair Falcon (dedicated transport)= (Holo-Field + Spirit Stones + Vectored Engines) + Starcannon + Shuriken Cannon

Troops: Eldar Corsair Squad
     5 Eldar Corsair Squad = Fusion Gun x1
     1 Felarch = (Fusion Pistol + Power Weapon) + Haywire Grenades
     1 Corsair Falcon (dedicated transport)= (Holo-Field + Spirit Stones + Vectored Engines) + Starcannon + Shuriken Cannon

Troops: Eldar Corsair Squad
     5 Eldar Corsair Squad = Fusion Gun x1
     1 Felarch = (Fusion Pistol + Power Weapon) + Haywire Grenades
     1 Corsair Falcon (dedicated transport)= (Holo-Field + Spirit Stones + Vectored Engines) + Starcannon + Shuriken Cannon

Fast Attack:
   1 Nightwing Interceptor

Heavy Support: Corsair Warp Hunter
   1 Corsair Warp Hunter = (Holo-Field + Spirit Stones)

Heavy Support: Corsair Warp Hunter
   1 Corsair Warp Hunter = (Holo-Field + Spirit Stones)

Elite: Corsair Voidstorm Squad
   6 Corsair Voidstorm Squad = Fusion Pistol x1, Power Weapon x1, + Haywire Grenades???
At 107 points, the Voidstorm Squad is both the cheapest and weakest unit in the list, meant to deep strike in and soak up an assault or tie up a unit/pop enemy artillery in the back. Sure, they won't last long, but you could easily drop this unit and replace it with some similar thing.

The Fresh Prince (thanks to whomever came up with the name!) is the core of the army. He allows you to deploy any three units via deep strike, to start. To me the obvious choices are the Falcons, since they carry your meatiest assault unit (the HQ), and both of your scoring units. For this reason I think the Vectored Engines are NOT negotiable, since you could very well scatter on the deep strike (Eldar don't know about teleport homers, I guess).

The Interceptor already gets the big flyer bonuses (Deep Strike, Aerial Assault) and will serve as an anti-tank/harrier unit. With BS 4 and two each of bright lances and shuriken cannons, you should be guaranteed to do something to any vehicle on the board.

The Warp Hunters are your hammers. They also serve as lures; the first time you drop a 5" pie plate D-cannon on one of your opponent's out-of-line-of-sight Grey Knights - or anything of theirs really - they're going to draw a lot of attention.

Nothing too special here tactically; drop your falcons near objectives and shoot, shoot, shoot! Then assault what's left, letting the Felarch or HQ squad make short work of the leftovers. And don't be afraid to run!

Play the usual Eldar gambit; stay off the table or out of range, zip around full tilt for the 4+, or failing that drop in on a hard target and annihilate it with overwhelming firepower. Grab objectives on turn 5 or go for the 1 Kill Point Win.

A few other notes about this list; obviously you could use different weapon load-outs on the tanks to bring the cost down. With the prevalence of MEQ and GK in particular, the S6 AP2 of the starcannon is just too much fun to pass up, particularly when you are firing them at BS 4. In any event, the point of the Corsairs is not to fill up the board with models but rather to strike at your enemy and stun them, then escape with your target before the other guy knows what hit them.

If you really can't see yourself spending 300+ points on single unit of 6 models with a transport, then drop one member from each squad, put everything in venoms, and see what else you can eke out of the list... as usual, comments are welcome!