Hello fellow 40kers, today I am bringing you part of my Leman Russ squadron I did for a local painting competition.
I still have some finishing touches to do on the squad leader so he will come in a bit.

I decided to revisit an idea I had a long time ago with using mud cover tracks. My first attempt was pretty bad. I have a Chimera from 3 years ago that looks like Swamp thing's ride. I think I was subtle enough on the Leman Russ for it to come out good but still give the impression of a tank driving getting down and dirty. Though I really liked the outcome I don't think I will be doing it for a large number of my tanks. As you can tell I haven't done it yet for the squad mate but I probably will later on.

Hopefully I can throw these guys on the table and unleash some pain with a crap load of dice. As always I would love to hear your opinion and criticisms.