Tents by me. I'm not sure about the figs. Box design by Anton Zaleski.

Last update I showed off some tents and a campfire that I painted for Wreck-Age which were painted up to be used in their box art. Well here it is! I think they came out pretty well.

This pic shows the back side of 2 of the tents.They aren't as detailed without the beat up salvaged road signs but I still really like them.

Anton did mention having me do a series of other scenery kits for them but I'm not sure I'll have time with gearing up to Kickstart my own game - Broken Contract. This week I got my second 3D render from sculptor Tim Barry. Its a Breaker - a contracted miner who has raised his tool in revolt. 

3D sculpt by Tim Barry based on Geng Gendall art.
And a week before that I got this concept sketch from Sam Alcarez for a Breaker mechanic:

Breaker concept art by Sam Alcarez

Things are really coming together. I haven't been able to touch my Orks still and I regretfully cancelled my last 2 attempted gaming nights but at least the game itself is coming along,

Thanks for reading!