While this is not the first rendition of Agemman I have done, I am definitely liking the new plastic Terminator Captain.  I did have one minor slip with the hobby knife while cleaning up the sprues on the banner piece, essentially necessitating that I reduce the number of spikey bitz on it.  But other than that the model fits together really nicely.

I kept the pallet the same as my other Ultramarine models, with the addition of layers of  Dawnstone and Codex Grey (old GW color) for the rock Agemman is standing on.  My Micron pen died while working on this model, requiring me to pick up a new one, however I like the crispness it allowed me on Agemman's personal heraldry.

Once the heraldry was outlined with the Micron pen, I used a fine point brush to color it in, and extra layers of white to make sure any mistakes were cleaned up.  Next week, look for some Battle Fleet Gothic action, as the first round of the campaign gets started.  I will have the fleet roster and battle reports up.