Hey guys, by the time the post publishes I will have dropped out of the Nova Open 40K tournament.  I know I know.  I have been discussing it with many of you for a while now and I really hate to do it... But I have been having some pretty rough health problems lately (though hopefully I'm on the mend finally) and was not able to complete my intended army in time.  For those looking to get in some 40k with me over the weekend, I will have my Griffons with me just in case.

My intended 40k army was a Grey Knight army done up as Ordo Xenos Deathwatch Marines.  I have had a lot of problems getting them painted up to a level I am happy with and have had to go back to the drawing board several times with the paint scheme.  Combine that with almost 6 weeks of me being unable to paint in the last 3 months and It is no wonder I have not been able to get the army finished in time.  I promise to post some pics of them as soon as I have some in what I hope is the final scheme.  Also check back here new week for some WIP pics of some of the cool stuff that would have been in my army for Nova if I had been able to get it done.

Well with that said, I need something else to do at the Nova as I will still be there Thursday and Friday evenings (I have to work both days unfortunately, been missing more work then I'd care to recently and not enough time left to take them off), and then all weekend (I will be staying at the hotel Friday and Saturday nights).  I have so far purchased a General Admittance Pass, a Malifaux Pass (which I won't be using as I don't really play Malifaux anymore), and a 40K Pass (which I now won't be using).  So I decide to pick up the relatively cheap ($20) Warmachine Pass for the weekend of events and play Warmachine instead.  Below are some pics of just a few of the minis I hope to have ready for the Softcore Tournament on Saturday and if I place well the Championship on Sunday.  Wish me luck.

Warcaster Harkovich

Black Ivan (Harkovich's Personal Character Destroyer Heavy Warjack)

Destroyer Heavy Warjack

Decimator Heavy Warjack

Torch (Character Decimator Heavy Warjack)

Man-O-War Drakhum (Think Steam Powered Terminator Mounted on a Horse in Steam Power Armor)

I also have some additional things like an unit of Winter Guard, a Man-O-War Kovnik, and a few other things, time permitting, that I want to get painted up too before the softcore tournament.  I have painted version of them already, but they are several years old now.

More to come as I have it.