There were disturbances in the chaos planes, Sorcerer Nidai had seen them. As the day of the Ork invasion grew closer they had become more frequent and more vivid. 

A dreamy flowing landscapes of lush verdant green. As quickly as it had appeared the image snapped into sharp focus and he saw it wasn't thriving grasslands but a host of Orks, running and bustling into each other, driven with a singular mind. As his vision-self sailed above them the Orks gradually became a deep green liquid, rolling forward like a violent sea. 

Just as it seemed the surging waters couldn't be stopped, they came crashing against a wall of iron, many miles high and as wide as the eye could see. Wave after wave ploughed into the great wall but to no avail, the obstacle stood firm, unwavering in its defence. Eventually the waters began to ebb away, and before long only lingering puddles remained… puddles of green oozing blood.

Rhythmic ripples in the puddles betrayed an approaching menace. Nidai turned quickly and saw the wall disassembling itself, ripping up a cloud of grime and filth. As the dust settled around him he saw a legion of metal soldiers of all shapes and sizes, bedecked in mechanical skull motifs. The larger ones were moving slowly towards him and before long he recognised the twisted shapes of Obliterators. The legion snapped its heels and marched forwards in splendid formation, whilst overhead missiles seemed to be screeching from the skies, down towards him, landing with a deep and powerful thud… Raptors!

The army strode on past him, in the direction of the fleeing waters – his brothers had prevailed.

Three days and counting