by: farmpunk

Gencon is one week away! I'm getting excited. Gencon is North America's largest game convention.

 It's really more like a tradeshow in a lot of ways. If you like playing Games of all sorts, this is HUGE... And about a half mile from where I work. So much stuff to see and do.

I'll be there from around 8:30am until... who knows. Darqueling (of WWPD World of Tanks fame) is camping at my house.


I'm going to try to join the WWPD guys for early Thursday morning True Dungeon, and run the Able Kompanie afternoon Stalingrad event (all slots sold out early)

My French 105's holding the objective
Friday I'm playing in the Early War Tournament. Bringing my French Escadron de Reconnisance.
Me playing Jerry in 2013

Saturday I'm helping out a bit in the morning, then running the afternoon Stalingrad event, and cleaning up after everything.

Thanks to Troy over at Dice and Flames for the great pictures from last year.