Tales of the Dusty Foot Gamer. Step by step on the path. Learning from other gamers from other cities and making it part of the philosophy of gaming. These are the tales from such travels! 

This week, I went to Peterborough Ontario for work and I was able to get a couple of games in for the Traveling Wargamer series. I played againsy David and his Tau once again, his Tau Empire aching for a rematch, thanks a lot to David for opening his home late at night to accomodate a game!

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David and I have played against each other before in this Video Battle Report. And that game was a blast. The picture above was the deployment, we did play 1500 pts on a 5 by 4 table and the terrain was amazing! David builds the terrain and he made the awesome terrain in the other game we played as well. What do you think happened this game? It was the dark olympiad and the wyches taking on the Tau Empire. 

And then, I had a second battle against miniwargamer Jay! so we are having an Inter-Channel video battle report. Jay does a lot of videos on youtube and check out his Channel HERE, tell him I sent you with a comment or something. Anyhow we had an absolute blast as his Orks took on my Dark Olympiad and hiliarity Ensued! 

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So make sure you tune in to both our channels to check out the battle report from each perspective! And what do you think happened? 
Well. As a wargamer, if you get the chance to travel make sure you connect with the local gaming community in the area and try and set up a few games or what not, you may find that spicing up your game life will allow you to grow as a hobbyist and as a general if you expand your knowledge beyond what is “normal” for you. 
Well, until next time!
Skari - out.