After the workshop had finished I was lucky to have a few extra vacations days available to hang with the Monkies of Massive Voodoo!

And they were kind enough to take me, and Phil, out and about in Augsburg while the weather was good!

So we headed off to the walled city within a city during the time off. And since we had just finished the basing class you will see that a lot of my photos were of the nature and buildings! So, excuse me for that in advance!

Tons of nature and greenery around this inner city section. Really liked the contrast of the vines and leaves against the buildings.

Though I do have to say that the doorways in this establishment were a bit short for us... just a bit though...

There was even an old world war bunker/museum that was situated within. Plenty of pieces that showed off the rust effects on different pieces there. Great references here!

Moss fountain anyone? There was a bet for 5 euros if someone would drink from it.. but no one was willing to go for it ;) Not sure as to why not :D

Tons of statues here as well.. many great inspirations for using Verdigris in the future.. or to paint up more stone like statues as well...

But this was just one aspect of the jungle.. and one aspect of the trip past the workshop.. but it was one that provided me a lot of chances to see more of the city and provide inspiration with regards to future basing pieces!

But of course no trip is complete without the mandatory MV + MrLee group photo! I have a collection of them, and this one was no different than the rest.. crazy times!

As you can see.. master artists are just not that strong when faced with a bearded Canadian... and struggle with the simplest of lifts...

But they did get there in the end.. and were able to lift the mighty Canadian in the end ;)

Whereas... the bearded Canadian lifts with the power of a thousand beavers!!!!

Even budding karate masters are no match for this power!!!!

But in the end.. its all good... and the trip is finished... insert tough man pose to show all is well..

Until the next MV/MrLee collaboration/workshop/event! More shenanigans to occur!