Those of you who've read this blog before will have notice I'm quite a fan of the Kingdom Death range of miniatures. While often controversial (the Wet Nurse) I think their models and some of the bet cast, most originally imagined models out there. I now own four of their limited edition resins.

So imagine my excitement when I woke this morning to an email introducing their  Kickstarter campaign for new board game 'Monster'.

I will be backing this. My first thought though was "oh no, I can't afford it - I have to buy Christmas presents" but it's a relatively long 45 day campaign,meaning pledges aren't charged until New Year. Great news! Think I'll go in at $150 for the game and the Kickstarter exclusive mini, unfortunately the next step is $295 which I think is a little beyond my budget :(

Cant wait to see the stretch goals start falling and discover the extra goodies - especially as their $35,000 goal was pledged witin the first 24 hours! Head to the Kickstarter page to learn more