Of men...

The men and women with Doctors Without Borders. These people selflessly are on the front lines. War torn areas, natural disasters and Ebola.  Medicines Sans Frontiers is there. Making a difference.

It is a source of pride to say that DWB is yet again the recipient of our charity efforts.

With that, The Nova Open Charitable Foundation is bringing you Blood and Honor: The Defense of Maccrage.  VISIT HERE for the page. This is your chance to win one of FOUR armies by contributing to something bigger than yourself. For the last few years I have been part of a charity army build along with some of the best painters in the world.  I take great pride in being part of this because it is my chance to be part of the greater good by doing something that I love.

of mice...

Some minuscule dirtbag stole a small box off Dave Taylor's porch containing the models I painted for the project.  Lacking the proper safety equipment to apply the crushed glass to my bases for snow effect, I mailed them without doing so, and they were sent off Dave's house to be finished.  Sadly he had left for vacation and the box was left on his porch, and some mouse stole it.

With no time left for me to get and paint new models, it would seem that this would be the first time in years that this charity project would be without a Jawaballs contribution. :(

But wait! This is an Ultramarines army after all!

So I dug into my reserves and pulled out one of my prized banners. I painted this banner for the banner competition at Gamesday 2012. I have a lot of time and love invested in this thing and it was the toughest Best Banner win yet. It took several rounds of cheers to get the winner!

 Is there a greater time or reason to part with it?  Nope. I have decided to donate this banner to the cause to replace my stolen models.  So this banner is now part of the ULTRAMARINE ARMY GRAND PRIZE! That is right, you, especially if you are an Ultramarine fan, are in for a treat of a beautiful army and a sweet banner for your man cave, or to display proudly whenever you play the army.

So lets forget the mice, and focus on the men. Lets dig deep, and donate as much as you can to make this year a huge payout for Doctors Without Borders.  For every dollar you donate, your name will be entered once into the drawing. Donate 100 dollars, and your name goes in 100 times.  The winner will be drawn at random during this year's Nova Open.  You need not be present to win, and they will ship the army WORLD WIDE.  This is truly a global effort!  Don't forget there are three other armies as well.  There is a Deathwatch army, a Man Eaters army, and of course, the Tyranids!  You can find links to all the armies HERE.

What else is going on in Jawaland?

Not much sadly.  I will not actually be at Nova this year. Labor Day Weekend is just not a great time for me as I simply cannot take that Friday off from work, and the weekend is family time. I am sure you all will have a great time without me though. ;)

The continued disappointment that is the wait for the new Blood Angels codex has me floating in the wind as far as 40k is concerned.  I will be playing my Lamenters at Battle For Salvation and again at The Mechanicon in October.  Gona be a busy month!  I am thinking of doing a Lamenters Land Raider...

But I do have a new banner to show you!

The Dark Angels!

Since I hand paint these, every one is a bit different.  You can also see my improvement. Compare this one to the ones on the right of my blog and you will hopefully see an improved level of depth that I have developed.  If you want one for yourself, you know what to do!

More to come and buy those tickets, you have to be IN IT TO WIN IT!
